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Cryptomatte - Clean edges

blender people, please, does exist a solution to make a clean render pass for ID colors - materials? I want to achieve a same solution like in VRAY - material ID. After that, I want to import it in ...
JSM_Parametr's user avatar
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Material in render different to Material showing up in the IndexMA pass

I am trying to create a mask based on materials having certain nodes. In this case I want to filter any shader that uses the Glass BDSF Node, I have this object with a couple of different materials as ...
Sam's user avatar
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Object/Group Instances and Pass Index

For Post Production in the Compositor, I heavily rely on using Object/Material Index masks. Normally, I select a single object and then give it an unique number in the Pass Index/Material Index slider ...
NGCHunter2's user avatar
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I can't get Object Index to give me a clean Luma Matte. Please Help! [duplicate]

Why is it that I can't get a clean looking Luma Matte from either Object Index or Material Index Pass. As you can see in the example I provided, I do have anti-aliasing checked in the ID Mask. What is ...
Sergei's user avatar
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How to achieve a flat colored render pass from material id/index for masking

I'm trying to get a render pass that splits all different materials into flat shaded objects (like material id in 3ds max) with anti aliasing. The output colors aren't important. (random colors are ...
Delagone's user avatar
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Compositor ID Mask not working?

I want to give my model a glare effect at robots eye, so I gave the material assigned to the eye Pass Index of 1 then when I went to compositor and made this node set up, in the viewer I could ...
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