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Questions tagged [reflection]

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How can I get Infinit Reflections on Cylces

I have this circular room with mirrors instead of walls, but when I go to the render tab, at some point it gets black, how can I make the mirror material have limitless reflections? I'm using the ...
user90449's user avatar
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Blender Eevee reflection plane gives warped reflection

I want my ground to have a nice reflection, but the reflection plane is acting very strangely (See photo below). What's also weird is that the reflection plane works for most of the scene. When I add ...
Tyson Paris-Hansen's user avatar
3 votes
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Reflective Glass shader, like those in our window

I want my glass in Blender to be reflective and also transparent, like most glasses of the windows (not MS Windows). They reflect light to the lighter side. For example, during the day, it behaves ...
HF_'s user avatar
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Blocky Reflections on Glass

I am working with a car model and getting all of the materials ready for use in my project. The side windows have a noticeable reflection issue where the reflection appears blocky. The headlight cover ...
01Beaker's user avatar
2 votes
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Monotone/ desaturated reflection material in Blender/ Cycles [duplicate]

Does anybody know how to get desaturated reflection (monotone) made from colorful object? Blue object, white plane beneath. With standard settings the reflection is blue. I would like to have it black ...
pablographix's user avatar
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Unwanted glowing line where particles intersect with the particle emitter

I am working on a Project and I got a problem with my particle system. I use planes to generate lots of foliage for my background. There is a reflection where the plane intesects with the Underground/...
Rypax J.'s user avatar
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Creating camera lens material

I'm creating a camera lens, and I have problems with creating a glass material. As you know, this kind of glass has colored reflections caused by special anti reflective coating (actually, glasses ...
ColdKei's user avatar
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Configuring eevee glass reflections

Blender version: 2.82rc, 2.83alpha. I am trying to set up eevee to properly show reflections on my glass material. The glass object is an uv sphere, which I cut in half and then applied solidify ...
Evstifeev Roman's user avatar
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Lighting/glare issues with Eevee

I have a lighting problem with Eevee, this is the rendering without baking indirect lights and reflections: nothing strange here. But if I bake lights it render like this: as you can see there is ...
joaulo's user avatar
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Is there a way to have an object show up only in a reflection?

I have the planet Earth set up to reflect into a habitat on the moon via a mirror set outside a window. I had to place a tiny Earth near the mirror to get this to work. From inside the habitat the ...
kim holder's user avatar
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Why does EEVEE's Ambient Occlusion darken vertical surfaces seen obliquely in reflection planes? Is there a way to make it not do that?

I've been trying to get a reflection plane working in a scene, but something weird is going on when I enable Ambient Occlusion in the scene properties. Without AO, it looks okay... ...but if I enable ...
Shipbrook's user avatar
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What's the problem of this situation? HDRI still reflection on metal face after I erased HDRI

During testing related with world HDRI, when I changed the reflection value lower there was reflection of previous HDRI what I erased before which is weird. Image I uploaded is present world node. I'...
YOOM MOOY's user avatar
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Foggy lake - why is the fog not reflected by the water?

I'm trying to render a foggy lake scene (Blender 2.8 with Cycles). The entire scene is placed inside a cube with a volume scatter material, the lake is just a glossy plane. The lighting comes from a ...
senfverächter's user avatar
3 votes
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how to show reflection of a different object in cycles

I have a mirror and an object in front of it. I want to hide the reflection of that object and show instead a reflection in the mirror of another object hidden in that scene,is that possible?
Jack's user avatar
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When adding a new face, joining faces become reflective

Having this problem with multiple meshes (so it's probably something easy I'm missing). I have these flat meshes I'm attempting to make into closed 3D objects. But the original vertex shapes become ...
ElderCrusader's user avatar
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Reflection of a light object in Cycles

i'm trying to recreate the same lightning condition from that shot (see screenshot), but i'm having troubles to give a little reflection to the light object (ceiling). Any tips on how to achieve this ...
Samih EL SAKHAWI's user avatar
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Turn Off Tree Reflections For Glass And Gloss BSDF?

I'm pretty experienced with Blender, but one thing I can't seem to figure out is how to turn off those weird tree reflections in the Glass/Gloss BSDF.
user84790's user avatar
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Wierd reflections on reflective surface

im new to blender and want to ask your help. I have this kind of issue:(tabel top made from 2 different pieces) 2 different objects reflecting light in a strange way. Can you help me figure out what i ...
Stanislav D's user avatar
8 votes
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Depth of Field on glossy surfaces (cycles)

I have made a scene in Blender where there is a glossy ball on an icy lake. I noticed that there is no Depth of Field on the reflection of the ball. I could add a fake Depth of Field in post-...
Herra Joku's user avatar
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Different Smooth Shading in Edit vs. Object Mode

I've modeled this phone and wondered why the shading looks right in edit mode and wrong in object/rendered Mode. (Top ist Object Mode/Bottom is Edit Mode). I'm using eevee and the Boolean Modifiers ...
Simon Trakis's user avatar
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Blender 2.8 My soil shader looks too glossy

I'm trying to do a soil material using the following textures: I applied a 'displaced' modifier and built the shader nodes but my surface looks too ...
Mateus Arruda's user avatar
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How to disable env HDR reflection only for one object?

I have scene with 2 objects, 1 light and background HDR. For object 1 i need light reflection and background reflection. For object 2 i need only light reflection without background. Is any simple ...
Aleksey Kozachenko's user avatar
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My model is not reflecting any light / looks dark

In the image I have 2 objects, the only difference between the two is that the one on the right is fully unwrapped while the one on the left is the default with no changes safe for the texture to ...
Sazdx's user avatar
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Why don't I see light reflected off a mirror in Cycles?

I want to render mirror balls. In the real world you would hit each mirror ball with a spot light. To test if this would work in Cycles, I made a mirror ball and hit it with two spot lights (shown ...
Startec's user avatar
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reflect light beam of disco ball EEVEE

I'm trying to make, what should think to be an easy job for blender, a disco mirror ball. And I want to have the beam of a spotlight reflect in to tiny beams of the it does in real life. I ...
Schepgi's user avatar
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Point lights, not reflecting on ocean?

I have an ocean at night and would like to put lights shining across the waves or on them etc, but all lights work fine except the "point" lights that I am trying to use. Why would only point lights ...
dave44's user avatar
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Problem - dark Border around Render Frame with Eevee Reflection Plane

I'm just testing Eevee and got a strange border in the reflection on the ground. The ground has an easy shader wich is very glossy. In the viewport all is corect but if I render it, I got this ...
Dennis's user avatar
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Weird reflection in final render

I've been going through the blender guru's 2.8 neon tutorial, and the result was looking alright, but in the final render a weird reflection appeared. My brick texture is nonreflective, but this ...
3thanguy7's user avatar
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I`m having trouble with window reflection showing a world background. How do i remove it?

I have created a window in my project, and it's working fine, but in the reflection and when I look from the inside, through the window, a "world" is shown that I only see in the reflection and when I ...
Kim's user avatar
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Emissive particles don't show up in reflections

I set up a plane, that emmits particles, that emmit orange light. I made another object, that has a metallic 0 material. I want the particles to reflect in the shiny object, but they don't. Does ...
Elias Saad's user avatar
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Gloss, reflection and normal maps not exported in gltf2.0

I used the new gltf 2.0 exporter available in blender 2.8 to export a model with three separate elements two of which has gloss, reflection, and normal maps attached to it via principle bsdf one model ...
Sarthak Tayal's user avatar
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Problem with depth of field in specular reflection

The reflection is not correct in the bottom. As you can see everything around it is blurred, except for the reflection of the railing. How do I fix this? I'm using 2.8 and cycles for rendering.
Toby van der Veer's user avatar
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How do I make my glasses look realistic?

I've been stuck for quite a while, it just looks wrong you can surely tell. I'm kinda new to blender, here's a picture: Q: How can I improve the glass shader?
Franc Pujolar's user avatar
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Problem with glass shader work-around: Redundant reflection image

It was found that the standard Glass shader and Principled BDSF shader of Blender has the drawback of making objects behind the glass material appeared too dark. Some people has devised work-around ...
kimanita's user avatar
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2.8 Glass not reflecting in mirror?

I'm new to Blender and modeled a glass lantern and mirror. For some reason, my glass is not reflecting in the mirror and the reflections in the mirror are lower in resolution. The glass lantern and ...
aleodom's user avatar
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Is it possible to change reflection direction?

Completely new Blender user here. I'm part of a work training program and am just beginning to learn how to use Blender. As a personal goal I am trying to cobble together a Companion Cube from Portal ...
Mario's user avatar
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Water Material Not Working the Same in Eevee as it Does in Cycles

I am working on a scene where the water needs to be somewhat transparent and reflective (like water generally is). It looks great in Cycles, but when I switch to Eevee, it does not look the same or ...
mysilentalias's user avatar
5 votes
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How to hide lamp reflection in EEVEE

Lamps show up in reflections regardless of what object they are contained in. This is 100% inaccurate. To demonstrate this more clearly, I gave the triptych wall painting a mirror surface. You can see ...
Copperplate's user avatar
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Remove reflection of stock image

Trying to texture an eye in Blender 2.8, but when I apply the glass node I get a reflection of the scenic countryside. Help.
Frank Castle's user avatar
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HDRI Reflection not showing in render [duplicate]

this most likely has a very simple answer but i can't find the answer anywhere online. I'm trying to get the reflection from the standard blender hdri on an object. It shows it perfectly in Look Dev ...
Toby van der Veer's user avatar
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Reflected light did not appear

Testing some settings in cylces, tried to set up the same scene in blender, and a different modelling program with different rendering engine. Cylces did the job well, but cannot achive the yellowish ...
Grey's user avatar
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How can i render the reflections i see in the Look Dev viewport in Blender 2.8

i'm finding blender 2.8 confusing and i'm relatively new to blender in general anyway. While looking at my model in the Look Dev view port i can see reflections. However, when i render my scene in ...
Joe Chapman's user avatar
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Why do the two identical sides of this model reflect light differently?

I've modeled a alien coin, and I added some animation to it. The result has shown me that one side (The one it flips to) reflects light in a much nicer way way than the other side (The one it starts ...
Serbez Milo's user avatar
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Eevee renders reflected lights with wrong z-buffer

I have noticed that Eevee reflected lights (in my case are visible areas) appear ahead other objects which are closer to the reflecting surface. This is one example is this a bug or there is ...
Fabio's user avatar
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Weird reflection in glossy material when camera is in front of the object

I noticed this problem also through glass. When my camera is looking in front of the object, I see a dark circle in the reflection. It only happen with metal or glass material. I think it comes from ...
Pitoring's user avatar
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How do the new light probes in EEVEE work?

I've been experimenting with Blender's new EEVEE render engine, and so far have failed to get the realistic results I'm aiming for. I've seen some online tutorials and articles about the assets under ...
Squirrel's user avatar
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