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Questions tagged [pynodes]

PyNodes (or Dynamic Nodes) are nodes defined by Python scripts saved as text in a blend file.

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Filtering socket in custom node tree inputs

How can possible socket types be filtered in a custom node tree for group inputs and outputs? In node tree input/ output socket types is there a way to control which socket types appear? To test: ...
BlenderEnthusiast's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Activate addon not working

I was experimenting with python scripting and came across registering addons. According to Blender Add-on Tutorial, the register and unregister functions are called when activating and deactivating ...
BlenderEnthusiast's user avatar
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Python for Custom Compositor Nodes...not working

I'm trying to create and register a new Compositor Node. The python code runs fine in the Blender console (no errors), but after I run it, nothing happens. what I expect to happen: When I'm in the ...
3x3eyes's user avatar
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Animation Nodes problems with Collection Info that return none

I'm coming from Cinema4D and I would like to manage the position/rotation (Radial Array) with Animation Nodes. The problem is that, after I followed some tutorials.. seem that my Collection Info ...
Risc66's user avatar
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Are Custom Python Geometry Nodes Possible? 3.0.1

Right now, I have a little template that makes it pretty easy to make custom shader and compositor nodes, but it does not work with geometry nodes. The error happens when I register the custom ...
Cole Peterson's user avatar
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Is it possible to add images to existing node or node group?

Is it possible to add images or interactive graphs like color ramp or RGB curves to UI of existing node or node group? example:
Andrej Tetkic's user avatar
1 vote
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Does anyone know how to convert a custom node group into a node which is not a nodegroup? [closed]

I have been trying to make my custom node groups into a node. Can anyone help me ?
Showri.A's user avatar
1 vote
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is there any way to turn on the auto smooth in blender startup files

Hi, I need help is there any way I can turn on the auto smooth by default turn on the time blender startup files. if add anything to the screen that time also wants the object must have an auto smooth ...
Soumya Ranjan Panda's user avatar
4 votes
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Custom nodes, node limits, and compile times

I am working with some very complex custom toon shaders in Eevee. This causes several problems. First, the compile times are atrocious. Second, I am in danger of hitting the node limit if I also use ...
Ascalon's user avatar
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Settting tite bar color of custom pynodes

How does blender determine what the title bar color of a node will be? The theme has color settings for each node category, but what determines which category a node is in for selecting its color? ...
hekete's user avatar
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How to search for files in Sequencer by format, through my Custom Node?

I am creating a Custom Node that handles Audio. I want to get the list of all Sound Strips (Files) that has been already added to the Video Sequencer. I want to create an Input that when you click ...
Aldrin Mathew's user avatar
3 votes
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Custom Nodes Variables Not Being Stored

I am having an issue while working on a custom node tree. When I create a variable in self on a custom node it is not available in other functions of that class, for example: ...
Dragonpeak's user avatar
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Run function on material node tree update

I need to run a function when the user adds or removes a node from a material. My first idea was to use msgbus to subscribe to bpy.types.Nodes. This works great ...
Joshua Knauber's user avatar
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Custom shading nodes for point objects

I am scripting Blender 2.81 to model scenes for my own renderer, with custom material nodes, which are defined as (MyRendererNodes and ...
WDC's user avatar
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How can i enable composite node in python?

though with the codes i have searched in google , it still doesn't solve the problem, i want to enable one specific composite node like this : and this is the inactive state: From inactive state to ...
Super-ilad's user avatar
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Is there any way to override UILayout.prop tooltip?

I have a collection on boolean properties I want to display in a node. BoolVectorProperty isn't really applicable because I want to be able to change the size of ...
ollpu's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Custom Nodes: How to validate a link?

I'm developing an add-on that uses a custom node tree. I want to be able to set a link between nodes as being valid or not: NodeLink has the property ...
hekete's user avatar
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pyNode with button: any way to find which node the button pressed was on?

I want to have a pyNode with some buttons on it that modify the node. Similar to how some of the built-in nodes work (Color Ramp, Curves, etc). I can easily put a button on the node using an operator,...
hekete's user avatar
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1 answer

Where is this color node?

I don't know how to put a color node with the chromatic gradient
Lucizz's user avatar
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Increase the length of the z-buffer [duplicate]

I am using the examples already given here, i.e. Convert depth/z value to RGBA The problem I am facing here is to increase the depth. If one sees clearly a blue pattern starts from a close distance ...
Muttahir Mumtaz's user avatar
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Need help with creating a custom material node with python

I'm trying to make a custom node in python, and I've been able to make the input and output sockets, but I have no idea how to connect the input float values to the output float values. I've already ...
ETFO's user avatar
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I have a folder of X number of textures, I wish to render the same image X number of times, once for each texture

I have a model with the material set up, but I wish to change an image texture on this model for each frame. In the past I have set up an image texture node and mix shader for each texture but this is ...
Yoshihara's user avatar
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Allow cyclic connections in custom node tree

I want to allow a cyclic connection in a custom node tree. Here is an example screenshot of a cyclic connection. From what I uderstand, the following happens: As soon as a link is inserted such that ...
IARI's user avatar
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How do NodeSockets determine if a link between them is possible?

I have two NodeSockets class SockA(NodeSocket) and class SockA(NodeSocket). Now when I ...
IARI's user avatar
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Update pynodes after user action on custom Node Tree

I try to execute update on my custom pynodes when user performs action: delete links, add link, removes node. From Animation Nodes or Sverchok I could figure out i can use NodeTree -> update() method ...
JoseConseco's user avatar
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Custom Pynodes: Not getting the correct value from the in socket

I created a custom pynode intended to multiply vectors. This script is based on the vid from Atom and various code I found on the internet and the blender wiki pages. The problem I am having is that ...
Wasili Novratidis's user avatar
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Creating nodes with dynamic number of input sockets?

Is it possible in any way to create one's own node type in one of the node editors (let's just say the Compositor for example) that can have a dynamic number of inputs? Not a group node, just a ...
ABG's user avatar
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Convert depth/z value to RGBA

I'm trying to render a RGBA depth map of my scene where each channel byte is a byte of the 32-bit single float Z/depth value. The result will look like a blueish/magentaish render instead of a ...
vexe's user avatar
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Trouble reading / writing linked nodes when creating a custom node

I've tried to figure this out for quite some time, with no luck. If anyone can help, that would be awesome! I'm essentially trying to convert the X and Y outputs of the Separate XYZ node into a ...
Noah Duncan's user avatar
4 votes
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Add nodes to a custom node tree

I have a custom node tree called MyCustomTreeType. I know that there are scripts to add nodes to the composite and material node trees: Controling compositor by python How can I use this with my ...
John Roper's user avatar
7 votes
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Custom NodeTree and NodeCustomGroup and bpy.ops.node.tree_path_parent()

I've done a fair amount of custom PyNode tree scripting for Sverchok, but one thing remains a bit nebulous and i'm hoping someone can shed some light. The Material node trees have this Group feature ...
zeffii's user avatar
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Using data with python nodes

I have created a number of python nodes inside my own tree. I have one node that takes one input and has a button called "Simulate". This is an operator that is held in another file. Currently all it ...
John Roper's user avatar
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Set Label in Python Node?

So I am experimenting with python nodes. So far I am able to add a new node tree and my Nodes are doing things (adding and multiplying floats...well). One more cosmetic thing is that I don't get how ...
Carsten Wartmann's user avatar
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How to import many images so assign to texture_node and duplicate "n" times objects and materials?

I am searching a way to: duplicate a selected object and It's material 244 times.. import 244 photos (image_000, image_001, ...) in the scene assign these images to an image_texture node (included in ...
Francesco Yoshi Gobbo's user avatar
6 votes
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How do I get an icon to appear in the label of my custom python node?

Note: This was an issue in 2.79, but has been fixed in 2.83. Custom python nodes have a bl_icon property which, when set to a valid icon name, is meant to display ...
Ray Mairlot's user avatar
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How to introspectively modify nodes from Python

Ok, this is quite a weird case. TL;DR Why (and how is it Pythonically possible that) Blender's nodes dont have the __dict__ attribute. How to programatically add ...
Mörkö's user avatar
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Execute custom code once automatically in an add-on

I want to create a very simple add-on that will automatically call some code (e.g. see example below) that will create a custom group node to be available in the compositor. What should the simple add-...
DolphinDream's user avatar
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2 answers

Share custom compositor nodes among blend files

I feel there are some basic nodes currently missing from the node repertoire of the compositor and material editor. One such node (for me at least) is a "vector" node. This would be the 3D equivalent ...
DolphinDream's user avatar
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How do you affect object transforms with nodes?

I'm new to writing new node systems, so bear with me, but how do you write nodes that affect the transform [matrix] of objects and maybe even data [vertices]? I just need some help getting started.
H Petrus's user avatar
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How to create a node group with a custom node tree?

Is there a way to make node groups with a custom node tree? The option is grayed out in the node menu. I checked Sverchok's implementation, but it also seems like they don't support node groups.
tiredNconfused's user avatar
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Where are PyNode socket values stored?

I'm having trouble wrapping my head around how information flows through PyNodes.. Where/how should I set the value of my node's output sockets? I've been trying to implement this in my node's update ...
ajwood's user avatar
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How to display texture preview on a custom node?

I'm trying to use layout.template_preview to display texture previews on some custom nodes I created. I'm currently calling it with just: ...
tiredNconfused's user avatar
7 votes
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How to add backdrop images for py nodes?

When creating a custom Node - tree type (not scene/material/texture) is it possible to have a background image defined? This would be similar to how the compositing nodes allow an image backdrop, but ...
Bassam Kurdali's user avatar
6 votes
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Cycles pynode which outputs object's properties

I want to create a custom pynode that reads the object properties (position, rotation, scale ...) of the current object on what the material with the custom pynode is applied to and use these values ...
p2or's user avatar
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Can't add nodes from custom nodes template

When I load the Cusom Node template into the text editor and run it in blender I can't add the created nodes in the newly created node tree. I see them but they are grayed out. Is the code somehow ...
Tapete's user avatar
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PyNodes: get active node tree from context in Blender 2.72

I'm working on a custom nodetree-based addon for scientific analysis. My code requires knowledge of the active nodetree in the current context (or alternatively the parent nodetree of a selected node) ...
echus's user avatar
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How to make custom node type animation data show in dope sheet

I have created a custom node type, using the blender template. I have made a custom node, with a IntProperty with ANIMATABLE set as an option of the IntProperty. i can insert a ...
wardrums's user avatar
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10 votes
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PyNodes API: transferring data between nodes with sockets

I'm developing a custom NodeTree using the PyNodes API (on Blender 2.70) for scientific analysis and am having trouble choosing the best way to transfer data between nodes via sockets. Right now I ...
AnnClayborne's user avatar
2 votes
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How to pass color value from input to output in custom python node

I want to make custom node that can be used in compositing nodes. I stuck in part when I need to pass color value (and do some operation on that) from input to output socket. ...
theres1's user avatar
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How can I transfer a collection of float values to a node socket​​?

How can I transfer a collection of float values to a node socket​​? This is what I've tried: Create a list of float values ​​and convert each of them to a string Pass the string to the socket In the ...
Alexander Nedovizin's user avatar