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Custom/dynamic tooltips when hovering over properties in the UI

I recently found out about the great "Paint Palettes" addon that comes with Blender but one thing that I really would have liked to see implemented is useful tooltips like name and/or values ...
Joey's user avatar
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Connecting an Operator with a Panel Float Slider

I have a very basic question about Operators and Properties. I can't wrap my mind around how I'd make a Float slider in a Panel that affects a selected object in the 3D view as I drag it in real time. ...
Dr. Pontchartrain's user avatar
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Reference an object or data from a Python-defined property

Many built-in properties, such as Object.parent, reference scene data. In the UI, they are represented with pretty menu widgets and in certain cases also with a picker tool: Is it possible to create ...
emu's user avatar
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Prevent that changing an Operator's property retriggers the operator?

I'm making an operator that has the bl_options = {'REGISTER','UNDO'} in order to call the undo menu. Since my menu's draw() is ...
Ommadawn's user avatar
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How to display an enum property with icon_only=True and use the full width of a row?

I wanted to ask how I can make an enum property use the full width of a row if I only want to display the icons. Here my code: ...
test test's user avatar
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Convert EnumProperty to be usable in prop_search

I want to make a list of the names of all Objects and Collections in the scene searchable via prop_search. I have the generated name list as an EnumProperty, but <...
Philipp Köhler's user avatar
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Unable to use LMB in any properties to increase or decrease values

Blender version 2.90.1 on a Mac (version 10.15.6) using a Magic Mouse In any properties view I am unable to use LMB and drag to increase or decrease values. I tried to find anything in preferences ...
Donny Middlebrook's user avatar
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Passing variables in IntProperty constructors ignores changes in the variable when creating more instances using CollectionProperty.add()?

Sorry if the title is unclear. I'm working on an addon which involves a UI with a list of IntProperties. I need to be able to add and remove elements from that list on the fly, and I want the min/max ...
Demeter Dzadik's user avatar
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Disable Mouse Drag Transform in properties window

When clicking properties in the properties-window (or at least I think it's called that way - 'N' to open) it sometimes won't let me edit the values with my keyboard because I slightly moved my mouse ...
The_Dark_Jumper's user avatar
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How can I keep items of two CollectionProperties synchronised?

I try to explain the issu as clear as possible, but it will take a little while. Background: Basically, what I try to do is to create two CollectionProperties in my scene and store custom ...
aliasguru's user avatar
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Show a dialog displaying the properties of a modal operator

Is there an option to show a dialog which displays the properties of a modal operator ?
pink vertex's user avatar
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Getting the "disabled" version of an icon?

Is it possible to get the disable version of an icon? I mean, like when we set the layout.enabled = False? (I need a property to look (only look) as disable, but ...
Ommadawn's user avatar
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Why cant i see all light and shadow properties in Blender version 4.2 and EEVEE renderer

Im new to Blender and im using version 4.2 and while trying to follow a tutorial i cant see the same light/shadow porperties as the video shows. I should be seeing the properties for Cascaded shadow ...
filipe maia's user avatar
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Showing (and modifying) a Color Ramp in addon's menu?

I've seen this post from 9 years ago and I'm asking it again because is possible that things have changed (I hope) when it comes to work with color ramps. I'd like to display and modify a color ramp ...
Ommadawn's user avatar
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The Active Tool Tab in the Properites Editor is Entirely Empty

I was doing some sculpting and went to change some of the settings on the tool I was using, but the Active Tool tab was entirely empty. I don't know what could have caused this and I couldn't find ...
Injaa's user avatar
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Accesing individual values in PropertyGroup via .prop in the menu

I need some help with properties. I have a property class, pretty straight forward stuff ...
yazjack's user avatar
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props.BoolProperty's update not being called when pressed

I am trying to do a simple floating menu toggles with update functions linked. At the moment the update functions does not get called (not showing up in the console) which means something is not quite ...
MenisPelis's user avatar
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How to get name(label) of the checkbox

As an example of a checkbox, I took Viewport Denoising (You can see it in the picture). I have a checkbox and I want to get its name(label) through a script. How to do it?
user78950's user avatar
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Updating custom file path in UI panel

I have an object property group with a ccustom filepath: ...
xrogueleaderx's user avatar
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Where did my properties interface/panel go?

(Not the one you get when you key N), the one that has all the texture/world/material properties. I was in edit mode trying to press Shift + Ctrl + Alt + C but messed up and now the panel is just ...
Peek Utch You's user avatar