Questions tagged [performance]

Questions pertaining to software performance or computational speed of Blender should use this tag. (Do not ask hardware specific questions. They are considered off-topic)

181 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How do I know which objects cause the performance slowing?

Something like Task Manager on Windows but inside the Blender scene. I want to optimize scenes that are super slow, but dont know where to start. I don`t even have high poly objects or too much ...
Audio_Video_Enthusiast's user avatar
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Python API : Which alternative to '' for many objects?

I have generated objects to add in a collection using a python script. When adding about 3500 objects, I have performance issues : it takes about 0.5 second to run ...
rotoglup's user avatar
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Where is the 'Windows draw method' option in 2.82?

I started using a stylus but Blender is lagging pretty hard in 2D animation when drawing (sluggish, stuck). I looked up for advice and many suggested to reduce the number of allocated threads in the ...
StackyFlow's user avatar
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Script runs very slow when changing parameters in Add Object menu

I've made my first addon based on an internal blender Text editor template. It is used to add primitive meshes and then control some of their aspects, much like adding primitives like Cubes or UV ...
asoftbird's user avatar
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Does decimate help viewport performance?

I'm seeking to increase viewport performance to help when posing/animating. Does it work to just toss a decimate on my objects? Will this actually help performance, or just add the extra calculation ...
Ascalon's user avatar
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Why does it take so much longer to track uncached frames?

I'm attempting to track a slightly longish shot, and I don't want to fill up all my ram. I can play the animation with ⎇ AltA and blender caches and displays uncached frames in near real-time (~...
gandalf3's user avatar
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Does Blender python run slower when strictly typing?

I have a code snippet without strict data-typing: ...
Megan Love's user avatar
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How does instancing improve render times with Cycles?

I can understand why instancing reduces the amount of memory used since you don't duplicate the polygons of your scene, you simply reference them from multiple locations in the scene. From a technical/...
Tom Clabault's user avatar
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How can I speed up my render times in Eevee?

I started learning Blender this past July and I have fallen in love with it. I've felt very accomplished by all that I learned myself, so I decided to start a project related to my job. Since I had 5 ...
Jenny's user avatar
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Has anyone figured out a way to mitigate the slow down from Line Art modifiers?

The documentation states that this is going to change in the future, but as of now, each Line Art modifier calculates the occlusion of the scene independently so multiple Line Art Modifiers are ...
jwrush's user avatar
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Call a function that prints the name of the node that the user is changing a parameter on?

What’s the most performant way to call a function every time a user changes a parameter on a compositor node (even if the node isn't selected), and get the name of that node in the function which is ...
user3597862's user avatar
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Edit mode 2.91 very slow and cpu intensive compared to 2.79

It took me a while to move over to the new Blender version. Got my hotkeys changed and activated my favorite plugins. What I noticed is with relatively low poly objects (100k) the edit mode is ...
Sp3ci3s8472's user avatar
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Blender too slow for my new computer?

I just bought a new computer and I was following the donut lesson of Blender Guru. When I raise up the number of subdivision of the donut (Viewport) to 3, the problem starts. I can not smoothly move ...
Ron-L's user avatar
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Is there any way to prevent Freestyle from wasting time calculating objects that were excluded from rendering?

I love making animations that use high amounts of reflective surfaces, and recently have been trying my hand at Freestyle which is amazingly fun. In my current project, I am trying to make only one ...
Triplicant's user avatar
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Limits of uv unwrapping in blender 2.80

I've been researching how Blender uses the CPU. It seems each algorithm is different where some may use all cpu cores, others may only use 1 or 2 cores. I am trying to unwrap a very high poly count ...
joacampb's user avatar
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Screw Modifier Best Practices

I am creating a three-strand rope in blender using the screw modifier and was wondering what might be best practices for making a long rope. Essentially it is a choice between iterations or degrees. I ...
Migpics's user avatar
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is it possible to limit texture resolution by distance?

I know in the simplify tab you can set a reduced texture size for all of the scene, but is it possible to reduce the texture size in vram based on distance from the camera? For example I have a 2km ...
user3597862's user avatar
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Recurring issue, Can anyone help me fix Blender hanging before the file browser appears?

I have been using Blender for a little over five years now and just recently it has started to freeze up or hang whenever I click any button that activates the file browser. Whether it be browsing for ...
Chadrick Evans's user avatar
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make blender faster while working. not concerned about render speeds

So, to start off. I'm a member of they offered some pretty good tips, like turning of VBO and stuff. Still, I just feel like for having an home built i5 and an GTX970 card and 16GB of ...
Mr. Manager's user avatar
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Creating/Handling pathfinding large world waypoints in Blender

I am trying to create an importer/exporter script for an open world's game map. However, I am being constantly hit and set back by performance of blender. I want to be able to create way points for ...
Swoorup's user avatar
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Does Blender compute all previous modifiers to a Geometry Nodes each time a value is changed in the GN?

Does Blender compute all previous modifiers to a Geometry Nodes each time a value is changed in the GN? -I mean, for example, if I have a big mesh and I want to reduce its vertices with a decimate ...
Miguel's user avatar
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What are some general tips/pieces of advice for speeding up navigation in the 3D Viewport?

I was handed a massive file recently where the 3D viewport struggles to keep up with my mouse commands (panning, zooming, selecting, etc.), even though my machine should have excellent performance on-...
NickJ_001's user avatar
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How to improve performance when rendering freestyle lines only?

I have a moderately complex scene that I wish to render in a "line only" style like blueprints. I've enabled freestyle rendering and stuck with the Workbench render engine given that I don't ...
John's user avatar
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Is there a way to make blender start rendering the next frame before it is finished the current so the GPU usage is constant?

As you can see from this screenshot GPU usage goes up and down as the current frame is finished rendering and the next frame is prepared. Because the GPU is not needed while the frame is prepared the ...
Robert's user avatar
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Does noise texture node parameters affect on performance?

I've connected noise texture node in my material and when I'm changing scale parameter, I hear that my graphic card starts work louder. So I suppose it's need more cooling - doing more operations. Am ...
Сергей's user avatar
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How to interpret benchmark results?

I'm running the blender benchmarks from the open data project ( and I'm confused about the results. It ran three tests and reported the results of each, and while the sum ...
cat40's user avatar
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Blender file is slow, cannot properly animate or texture because of loading speed

Blender file is extremely slow, I have to make a complex scene and cannot properly animate or texture because of the low loading speed. I'm somewhat new to blender, but i have to make a 3D animation ...
CapnCookk's user avatar
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Blender slow, what component needs upgrade

i just bought an RTX 3080 ti rendering is very fast with it. But a lot of things are still pretty slow, like increasing the subdivision or switching the viewport shading or sometimes moving very big ...
Alex's user avatar
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How to debug low FPS with empty viewport?

I'm working on a big scene. From one point I noticed a drastic change in the viewport performance. To find out what was draining FPS I tried to exclude every collection from the layer and all the ...
Lucho's user avatar
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Is there a way to increase armature performance on a high-poly character for sculpting?

I am attempting to sculpt some corrective shape keys on my high-poly character, however the armature is seriously impacting my sculpting performance. I have attempted to migrate my character to ...
Mosquitofork's user avatar
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Unexplained Unresponsiveness on Very Powerful Machine

I've got a pretty large blend file (~2GB), containing a couple objects with large meshes. On my home computer with Blender 2.9, the UI is perfectly responsive in object mode. I have a access to a ...
MVTC's user avatar
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Blender selection in viewport suddenly slow (68 faces)

I have been working on this .blend project for a couple of week now, and suddenly, I noticed it became SUPER slow. I pinpointed that the drop in frames happens when I select a new object and try to ...
Alex Safayan's user avatar
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how to change temp files from cycles render to be handled on another disk drive?

I have a small C system with 14 gb left but three more disks with over 300 free space each, and yet when i render with cycles the space for the files to render is taken from the main C drive, how can ...
Anity Ex's user avatar
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blender crashed twice during long render, how to detect and remedy reason for crash?

I am brand new to Blender. I'm running Blender 2.8 on Ubuntu 20.04. I've been working through an explosion tutorial. I have a simple-but-glorious explosion using only a single emitter and I've been ...
S. Imp's user avatar
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Grease pencil unusably slow

I'm trying to use grease pencil to do some animated screencasting-sort-of videos. I've used it before to do quick animations and noticed that even with a dozen or so vertices the performance drops. At ...
Semptum Valoris's user avatar
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Blender was running fast then randomly became extremely slow to open

I had left a blender file running for a couple days in the backround and went to open it and it wouldn't pop up, so i ended the task. When i went to open blender again it took 5 minutes to open and ...
Batsy Lum's user avatar
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2.91 viewport lag after certain amount of time

When I open Blender it runs perfectly smooth, but after a while it begins to lag. I close and open the same file and it runs smoothly again, until about fifteen or twenty minutes pass and it starts ...
Caleb Holmberg's user avatar
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playing with View Layers - are they always all rendered?

I'm playing with View Layers since I have to separate a lot of stuff from a scene. It's working great but I was wondering how it does impact the render performances. If I have, let's say, 10 View ...
gordie's user avatar
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Script performance issues. Applying modifiers to mesh with shape keys

I didn't write the script, I can read it, but can't do much else. This script is used for applying subdiv to a mesh with shapekeys, while preserving the latter. However it seems to be leaking a lot of ...
user3024701's user avatar
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Animated text body drops Playback FPS by half

I'm developing my first Add-On, its main purpose is to visualize Scientific Data (BlenderNC), I'm using Blender v2.83 (Mac OS 10.15.5, 16GB RAM, Radeon Pro 555 2 GB). As a feature, I want to animate ...
josuemtzmo's user avatar
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Blender on a macbook pro 2015 Catalina with Intel Iris pro and external Monitor bad performance

Blender 2.8.2 performance is very bad with an external Monitor - the basic cube stutters when moving. With the internal Monitor it is ok, with blender 2.97 it is ok. So it seems to have something to ...
Markus Weller's user avatar
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Heavy Boolean Operations

I was wondering why boolean operations are hard to compute for pc, ı got one desktop and one laptop , and uses 2 different operating system , but in all systems stiuation is the same. I am using ...
Berk Altuğ's user avatar
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EEVEE Adding noise texture lags out renderer

I'm trying to make a Dr. Strange style shield, I've got the lighting down, but whenever I add the noise texture to vary the light on the shield, it lags out whenever I try to render the animation. Any ...
Kwang Wang's user avatar
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Are there any settings I can tweak to speed up blender?

I'm running blender on an older computer and it is a bit sluggish. Are there any settings I can change to get better performance out of the UI? I'm using blender 2.8
linuxdan's user avatar
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Why is my viewport performance (a lot) slower when using solid mode compared to rendered (eevee or cycles)?

When I use solid mode for my viewport Blender suddenly becomes very slow and laggy. I can still move the camera around or change stuff, but only with a lot of delay. When I switch rendered mode the ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Confused by the difference in render time between two projects

I'm still a beginner with Blender (been doing stuff occasionally for a year now), so I've got no knowledge about the intricate technicalities of rendering but this is the first time I'm really ...
KT9000's user avatar
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swap "disable in viewports" and "disable in renders"

I'm working on a big project and to improve performance I have hidden a lot of modifiers and objects in viewports. But now I want to see how the current full version of the project looks like in ...
the Wongfon Semicolon's user avatar
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How much would Blender benefit from multiple core / threads?

I'm currently building a PC for game development (and regular gaming of course :P) and I have all of my parts chosen (Radeon RX 580, 16gb Corsair vengeance, 256gb m.2, 1 TB HDD, MSI B450 Gaming Plus) ...
Anon's user avatar
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What graphics card is faster than i7

I have a 5th generation MSI BOARD, H77MA-G43 with 16 Gig ram and CPU: i7 3770|3.4GHz. I render within cycles, the render time of the i7 CPU is 5 times faster than the GeForce Gtx 1050 ti What graphics ...
Barend's user avatar
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Blender Benchmark crashes

I tried to run Blender benchmark because I felt it was a bit slow today working and the GPU was being used intensively in the task manager while sculpting, and I didn't used my new laptop for 3d too ...
Vakarian_7's user avatar