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2 votes
3 answers

How to tweak render when each render takes so long?

Like any artistic project, until you can see that final render, it's impossible to know how close you are to achieving your goal. As we will all know, from being 'almost finished' to being finished ...
Shane Levene's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Blender game runs very slow

I am making my first game in Blender, so being kind of newbie, but I notice that when I run it in the standalone player, it runs very slow and jerky (in the built-in also, but not as bad), like some ...
Andrei's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Managing/Reducing noise in a night scene

I've been trying to get a pretty noise free image from this scene for a while. And nothing seems to be working. I've been trying to use 3000 samples, then rendering different noise seeds and composite ...
Axi0m's user avatar
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Use all Ram on Blender when rendering? (Cycles and Blender Render)

I have 32 GB Ram on my computer, how can i make Blender use all (or at least, the most) of the RAM when rendering?
beavoru's user avatar
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Speedup Cycles for material-only renders

I render planes with procedural materials and don't need any other effects in those renders. The preview is generated within seconds but the final render takes minutes. What and how should I disable ...
Val's user avatar
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