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Questions tagged [multiresolution]

Use this tag for any questions pertaining to Blenders Multiresolution Modifier.

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Rigged Multires Mesh: Any way to solve lighting artifacts at low-res base mesh's polygon edges?

So I have a mesh that has a multires modifier on it that I wanted to rig for posing purposes (the mesh was originally sculpted into a T-pose) Overall, I'm happy with the results but I've noticed that ...
TheYokai's user avatar
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Strange Faces in high poly modeling

I have an issue. I'm working on a high-poly vantage calculator, and when I exit edit mode, a strange face appears in the model (). I've attached the project file for your reference.{(google drive ...
Bnn's user avatar
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High poly modelling problem

I'm having some trouble with my vintage calculator model. I started by modelling it in low poly and UV unwrapping, and then I moved on to high poly modelling. While doing high poly modelling, I ...
Bnn's user avatar
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Unintended lines appeared during retopology work

I was working on a retopology of a character in Blender. After applying multires and shrinkwrap, I noticed that I had an unintended surface connecting my thumb and index finger. It is not visible in ...
user192921's user avatar
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Multiresolution Modifier Creating Unwanted Geometry

I sculpted this creature with dyntopo, used instant meshes, and now am sculpting with the multiresolution modifier. In sculpting mode: (Note the top of the head) In sculpting (wireframe) mode: (Note ...
SnoreBin's user avatar
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Level zero of multires after "Apply base" mismatch geometry

I am resculpting a bat model from a third-party using multires. I had a problem with the arm/propatagium junction that got messed up after a Catmull-Clark subdivision since there was a 90° angle, I ...
Devilish Spirits's user avatar
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How do I fix these sharp edegs and verticies on my model?

**So I have this problem with this model i am making. The model's arms have sharp edges on them in certain places and when i go into edit mode, I see that in those areas the verticies arent connected ...
Angel Loui's user avatar
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Problem with Sculpting Remesh

I am trying to increase the resolution of the mesh to make it smoother using the 'R' feature. Why does the mesh look blocky every time I apply it? Even when I 'Shade Smooth' I have also tried using ...
SilentClass6's user avatar
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How to delete a part of a mesh of a multires object?

So I have imported a mesh with multires already on the mesh and I have deleted a part of the mesh in edit mode but the mesh still appears unchanged in object mode. This is the mesh in object mode. ...
Vector's user avatar
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Getting error - You should have active texture to use multires baker

I have been struggling to find the actual problem, I have modelled and sculpt Dinosaur and have applied multiresolution modifier and want to bake Normal map. But whenever I try to Bake, it's giving me ...
Amul Bhatia's user avatar
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Why is multiresolution asymmetric or outdated?

Blender version: 4.0.2 I want to verify how my model is playing out. This it without the multiresolution object modifier: I have done the model sculpting always using the mirror modifier, including ...
Hydroper's user avatar
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Is it possible to animate a character that is using the multi-res modifier

I'm trying to create some characters but I want to keep the details from the sculpt. If I use the multi-res modifier without applying it can I animate the character without any issues?
Jenesequa's user avatar
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Custom brushed not imported as a single image

I'm importing a custom Alpha brush, although I have selected it as a single image, the brush looks like this: I am trying to make dents into the mesh which is using a multiresolution modifier.
blender breath's user avatar
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Sculpture on a mesh with textures

I'm new to sculpting in Blender. I've modeled a sofa, which I've UV unwrapped and textured with image textures (PBR). Is it okay now if I add a multiresolution and sculpt on the sofa (wrinkles) ...
N03's user avatar
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Batch rendering multiple scenes using 'Material Preview - Viewport Render Animation'

So I have a scene in which I'm using blender to projection map content. Im then rendering that content back out from Blender correctly mapped per each of the 8 'surfaces', I therefore have 8 cameras ...
Bes Thomas's user avatar
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How do you keep square shape when using Multires Modifier?

I'm using the multires modifier to sculpt a weapon. For the most part I like how it subdivides the object - except for two areas. I want these areas to keep more of the original form square form. How ...
Yecats's user avatar
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Deformation after merging by distance

I'm facing a problem with a mesh that has a Multiresolution modifier applied. Everything was progressing well as I worked on the UV mapping. In an attempt to eliminate any duplicate vertices in the ...
Ada's user avatar
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Rig really Laggy

Im working on making 2 fully rigged human models. The second model has even more polygons,(100k for this one and 220k for the second one) and for some reason this one is significantly more laggy than ...
MSR's user avatar
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Multiresolution subdivision gets rid of smoothing

Above is what my retopo low poly mesh looks like with the multires modifier on it. Above is what the underlying sculpt looks like. For some reason the multires modifier gets rid of the smooth shading ...
Mr Calamari's user avatar
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Boolean tool trouble with diffence

ive been trying to make a airsoft mask for a few months now but im having trouble finishing the model to export in stl for printing. i finished sculpting, but now i have to make holes for the horns ...
havoc rage's user avatar
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Blender 3.6 Baking Displacement From Multires Not Working

I created a cylinder, applied a multires modifier, subdivided 5 times, and did some sculpting. Back in object mode i turned Viewport Levels to 0, turned on Cycles with GPU Compute, added a material ...
a-python-script's user avatar
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Always get a neutral normal map

I have multiresed my mesh and then applied the modifier. No matter I do I always get a neutral normal map while baking. But if I bake without applying I get a kinda normal map but yet the mesh shape ...
Pierre Rambal-Cochet's user avatar
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Cloth Brush making holes when using Multires

I was trying to use the Cloth Brush to add some detail to clothes, but it was creating holes instead. I tested in a new file and it seems to still be happening. The Cloth Brush works fine if I just ...
Kenzo Nawa's user avatar
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Can you keyframe the aspect ratio of a camera?

I was wondering if there was any way to sort of keyframe the aspect ratio/ resolution of a camera, like from 1.85:1 to 2.39:1 in a single scene smoothly. Is something like that possible inside of ...
Todahmoon's user avatar
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Finger retopology

I finished to retopology my character. After use a multires modifier and a shrinkwrap, this weird thing happen. I sculpt the body first, and then joined the fingers. There is the problem. But, arrived ...
Ivan BAZARRA MORENO's user avatar
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Retopology after baking. My shrinkwrap modifer is causing spikes to come out in certain places. How can I fix this? I also have multires modifier on

I am trying to regain details after baking. I tried to use shrink-wrap modifier, but it is causing spikes to come out the hands. I tried to use the distance limit, but it makes the low poly mesh ...
kf9019's user avatar
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Why do the shadows on this detail normal map look so crunched?

wondering if this is a genuine issue, or if I'm just going insane. So, I wanted to try creating some normal maps from sculpted skin details (specifically goosebumps). Booted up a multires modifier, ...
subthresh15's user avatar
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Problem with symmetry in sculpting mode

After I used the boolean modifier, and the multiresolution and the remesh to soften the object, I went back to the sculpting mode and my symmetry was a little bit off. I already tried with the ctrl+a ...
An Apprentice's user avatar
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How do I fix this Multires Modifier artifact?

Edit: Solved on my own, see answer I'm rigging and weight painting eyelids for animation on my creature and came across this artifact that appears present only on the right side. I've located the ...
Shnurgle3D's user avatar
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Unwanted crease at higher levels of the MuliRes modifier

Who can help me and tell me why is it so strange? In Edit mode, my topology looks fine, but in the multi-Level precision display, it becomes bad. There is a MultiRes modifier added, and that should be ...
Pig Pink's user avatar
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How to use Multires "Apply Base" with shape keys?

Multiresolution modifier's Apply Base button does nothing when the mesh has shape keys. Is there a workaround?
Sofia Pahaoja's user avatar
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Multiresolution modifier creates unusable geometry

I am trying to apply the Multiresolution Modifier to a simple geometry, but the end result is unusable and not what I wanted at all. Before modifier: After modifier: What am I doing wrong?
Antal Georgina's user avatar
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Subdividing a cylinder for sculpting. What is the best way?

I have this model which mainly is a cylinder. The bottom counterweight is boolean added to it and I added loops to make all the vertices fit better. I would like to subdivide the middle section to be ...
ronin074's user avatar
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Multires Modifier undo/revert brush?

I have a low poly model that looks nice. I use the Multires modifier to subdivide it and sculpt extra detail in some parts of the mesh. Now i discover that i messed up a part. Can i "undo" ...
Gerald Degeneve's user avatar
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Blender does not allow multiresolution changes

Blender Beginner here. I'm taking a course called 'Blender 3 Essential Learning' in Linkedin Learning using Blender 3.3.1. Just finished a lesson on 'Creating your first sculpture' and we're moving on ...
Chi Toa So's user avatar
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Object distorting in edit mode

I sculpted an object using a multiresolution modifier in sculpt mode, and now I want to try my hand at retopology. The issue is when I go to edit mode, the object looks nothing like what I created in ...
Phife's user avatar
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Sculpture brush animation shape key alternative?

I'm a beginner at Blender, and would be incredibly thankful for some advice: I have created an alpha texture sculpt brush from an image. It works fine and looks great on the plane where I used it, but ...
Jen's user avatar
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Problem with Reshape in multires modifier

Hi I am trying to reshape my mesh with multires modifier from a sclupted mesh. Both have equal number of verts. But Reshape glitches. Am I doing anything wrong?
Ramesh Raju's user avatar
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Baking from multires doesn't work on a face

When baking normals from multires one of the faces (both of the sides since its a symmetrical mesh) remain blank. What i checked: -The face orientation is the same as the others -The face has the same ...
Hyrcas's user avatar
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Multires modifier and geometry nodes

I have sculpted a model using the Multiresolution modifier. This lead to pretty dense topology. Now I would like to use a ...
TheBeautifulOrc's user avatar
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i think my multiresolution have problem but i dont know what

This is my object without multiresolution and without baked normal map and this is with multiresolution and this is with baked normal map of multiresolution dont know why its not simmilar at all. ...
Jinri Lee's user avatar
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Custom Brush Only Affects One Area

I'm trying to make scales on an object, but only certain areas of the object are affected by the brush. I'm trying to make a snake, so started with a cylinder, blocked out a shape, then used a multi-...
Msnoyce's user avatar
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Multires baked texture is overlapped at some parts

My Multires baked texture is overlapped at some parts so the work doesn't look good. Is there any option to make the bake not spread? The UV map doesn't overlapp
Jinri Lee's user avatar
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combining 2 separate objects as different multires levels

I have 2 different objects. they used to be 1 object, a sculpt with a multires modifier. that file was lost, but i have the 2 exported meshes (low and high poly). since they used to be 1 object with a ...
Hossmoz's user avatar
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How to use detailed brushes in sculpt mode without having to use multiresolution on the entire object?

In the sculpt -> retopology workflow, it is very convenient to use textures with height information to add details "creatively", meaning you can drag them around and place them where it ...
WhatAMesh's user avatar
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Grids are visible on displacement map when baked

I was making model with multires amd when i finished detailing my model.. i baked it using multi res. But when i baked displacement map it has some line and grid are visible to it as you can see in ...
Gaurav kumar's user avatar
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How to add shape keys to high poly model?

I'm trying to add muscles shape key to my high poly character (~1 million faces). I'm using a Multires modifier to unsubdivide the mesh to ~65000 faces, but with sculpt parameter=2 to get more details ...
Сергей's user avatar
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Baked displacement map doesn't look like sculpt

Blend file: I sculpted some details on the model using a multires modifier and baked it with "bake from multires" enabled and the ...
DecadentDecibels's user avatar
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Bake From Multires

Followed 4 different tutorials. Seem to have closely the same steps Multi-res On Mesh Add New Details Cycles Renderer (Shading Tab) Add New Texture New Image> Color Space: Non-Colour Render ...
Marc Volkers's user avatar
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What caused this weird geometry when I applied the mirror modifier?

Just applied mirror modifier and this happens, Do I have to resculpt the entire thing again? PS: Does anything work like it is supposed to in 3.0? Just googled how to use mesh symmetrize, and this is ...
Drien RPG's user avatar