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Questions tagged [library-overrides]

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Apply library override values to the source

I would like to link a scene, or collection, from one blender file to another, but with the possibility to edit its content in the new blender file (only move object positions) and then transfer these ...
Louis Miles's user avatar
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How to get an object from library override collection for local use?

Imagine you have a setup like this: Let say I want to have a local copy of one camera. How it supposed to do? If I duplicate camera, it stays inside library override: Is there a one-button solution ...
Crantisz's user avatar
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Why don't API-defined properties automatically get overrides on edit?

After linking an asset and making a library override, built-in properties (like parent) and Custom Properties (when "Library Overridable" has been checked)...
abatea's user avatar
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Getting selected linked Armature ID file path

I have a linked asset, with library override. The asset has an armature object. How can i retrieve the path of the linked object/armature ID? I use selected object as the test. ...
Gemilang Umil's user avatar
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How can I add a library override to a non-API custom property from a linked file with Python?

The question regards setting custom properties of a linked file via Python. Because when setting the property like ...
iclemens's user avatar
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How make empty editable in Library Overrides?

For some reason than I make Library Override for my linked collection, I can't edit empty, it says Disabled: Can't edit this property from a system override data-block Why is that? Isn't that it is ...
Crantisz's user avatar
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What is the proper way to make a toggle between fast and heavy versions of your model?

I have a model with hairs and modifiers on it. I set an empty and use it "Hide_Render" property to drive hair and modifiers: So now I can enable/disable several "heavy" objects ...
Crantisz's user avatar
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Can't delete overriden collection

I am struggling for hours with this... I added a linked collection, tried to override (content and/or selected), now I want to delete the collection and it's not possible. Tried every clearing options ...
16ar's user avatar
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How to set a library override on a linked material using python scripting?

I'm trying to do a library override on a material linked from an external blend file. It can be done manually through the outliner by right clicking on the material -> Library Override / Make / ...
Alexandre Labedade's user avatar
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How to transform asset browser assets that are linked

I'm relatively new to the use of the asset browser and library overrides. I'm trying to set up a scene that uses linked assets; I have all the assets in another Blender file, and I have the asset ...
christsdude's user avatar
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Within same blender file, how to link objects to new scene and override position (blender 3.5)?

I'm feeling like the main workflow for linking and library overrides is when the object of interest is saved in a separate blender file. My question is whether we can perform linking and library ...
Li Brary's user avatar
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Python - How to target the linked collection while having a library override on the scene which the collection name is identical?

The issue was happened when I try defining which collection is linked and which one is library override. When trying to target the linked collection, it is always pointing into the library override ...
Bintang Pratama's user avatar
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How to make a blender library override in python

I like to create some automation in Python on a library override of a linked collection in Blender 3.4.1. I fail to make object P2 editable using Python (see image below). The operator that does the ...
Jiske's user avatar
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Script Grease Pencil Interpolation?

Trying to interpolate using bpy.ops.gpencil.interpolate() and bpy.ops.gpencil.interpolate_sequence() which need a context ...
ungivenNed's user avatar
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How to keep override even after unlinking?

I have an object from another Blender file linked into my scene and I've overridden the default material Green Material to ...
cak3_lover's user avatar
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Cannot create library override

I'm trying to create a library override after linking objects into my scene like this: ...
cak3_lover's user avatar
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Character Workflow for Production Pipeline

I'm working on a concept for a production pipeline that is used by a team of artists. This is my planned structure. I want to have separate files for modeling, texturing/shading and rigging to be ...
Jonas's user avatar
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How to override a linked scene in Blender?

I am experienced with Maya but new to Blender, after long digging I still can't find an answer, can you help me out? My question is: how to override a linked scene in Blender? Create 2 empty files, ...
Micah's user avatar
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Add library overrides without losing all existing animations

If I add a library overrides to a linked object that I animated before adding the library overrides, I lose all the animations (even the position is reset to zero). Is there a way to add the library ...
tobiasBora's user avatar
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Blender 3.0: how to edit material of linked object

In Blender 3.0, I have linked a character (created in another file) into the current scene. I enabled Library Overrides and I can change the pose of the character... but unfortunately I can't change ...
tobiasBora's user avatar
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Override Librarys using Modeler, Rigger, Animator Workflow in seperate blend files

I am trying to use a specific workflow with three .blend files. The first file (modeler.blend) contains the modeling, materials, and textures. The model is in a collection. The second file (rigger....
Chris Bui's user avatar
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How do you reference a linked collection after renaming it, without losing local changes?

I frequently make use of linking collections from other blend files, so I can pose and do renders of characters without duplicating them in each project. Previously we used proxies for this, as of ...
MirceaKitsune's user avatar
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Library overrides - Issue with armatures when re-opening file

I am working on a project with many characters - each linked from one single .blend file, using library overrides. The outliner in the image below shows the source file for the characters. I really ...
John October Rage's user avatar
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Linked Library Add-on: Cannot return to original file

I have linked a collection of a blend file in another blend file (Main Comp). I have activated the "Linked Library Add-on" in Preferences. I can switch from the Main Comp to the linked blend ...
user123511's user avatar
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Material Controls for Library Override

is it possible to create material controls that are useable on a library override object/material without making it local? E. g. I have a very simple material with just a mix RGB node (see screenshot) ...
Marcus's user avatar
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library override on linked collection resets transform

When I add a library override to a linked collection that has been transformed in scene... The collection moves back to it's original place in the scene. I need it to stay where it is. Is this ...
user2968605's user avatar
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overrides and linked collections, saving problem

I have a couple questions that are related: a. I have a problem saving objects I've modified from linked collections. They sometimes disappear as soon as I save the file I'm working on. So far, the ...
common_goldfish's user avatar
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How do I Duplicate a rigged character (armature)?

How do I get multiple instances of a rigged character (that I have downloaded) in my project and be able to pose them individually? All I have got working is linking the rigged character (from the ...
Yogsther's user avatar
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I can not make library overrides work for probs making such as cables with splines

I am making a range of probs for a production. When it comes to large scenes I used a lot X-Ref or instancing and referencing. In Blender the (new) features for this is "library overrides". ...
Avion32's user avatar
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Creating Override Library via script [duplicate]

I've been trying for days to create a script for my addon that does the following things: Open an existing file A. Link an existing B file using a Link link. Create an Override Library on this file. ...
Drousoft's user avatar