Questions tagged [glare]

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12 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Render glare with alpha for compositing later

There's a lot of questions about this but they're really old and no one seems to mention the issue I'm running into. Here's a screenshot of this test scene I'm using to debug (Blender 4.0, using ...
Naty722's user avatar
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Glare effect different when rendered than from viewport

No idea why this happens, the glare/lense effect I added looks fine in the viewport with the Compositor enabled, but when I render it looks way different : Viewport Display : Render Display : I'm ...
ttb's user avatar
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Compositing - Glare Effect/Node in Viewport different than Render

When I try to use the glare in the compositing editor, the live viewport as well as single frames will render showing these RGB reflections/glare that I want. The problem is, when I save the photo, ...
TASPII's user avatar
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Render animation with compositing

Hello everyone I'm trying to render a sequence of images with compositing. I add an Image node, specify a link to the already rendered sequence in it, add a Glare node to create Fog Glow. Glow works ...
Denis Weber's user avatar
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How to composite an animation?

How to composite an animation? I am trying to add some effects like fo example glare, but I would like to animate it and be able to see the process like in After Effects. Can I use compositor after ...
8paula's user avatar
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Glare node with Fog glow makes Hard Edges

When I use the Fog Glow node, there are two Parts on my Character that makes Hard Edges. Why is that so and how can I fix it? Some more details to the scene There is nothing big just 3 area light with ...
3D bob's user avatar
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Cannot use two glare nodes at the same time

I am trying to use two glares in the compositor, and it works in viewport, but on render and compositor view only one works. Screenshot shows desired output on the left and render output on the right, ...
matthieu vanhecke's user avatar
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What settings do I need on the glare node to replicate the look of EEVEE's bloom in Cycles?

I have a scene that I designed in EEVEE, which looks amazing with Bloom activated, but would look even better with Global Illumination and better reflections. The problem is that using Cycles with the ...
Sci3nt0bj3ct 4t's user avatar
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Why is the glare node never working?

So, I am making a pitch-black humanoid model for a game. I have tried several versions of the glare node and none of them work. Does it not work in cycles?
CosmicCat10's user avatar
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Hide an emission object but keep it's glare effect

I'm using the glare node in the compositor to create a lens flare effect. Is there any way to make the emission object not appear in the render, but keep it's glare effect? I've tried turning off ...
Rod's user avatar
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Glare node is visible in the viewer node but not in the render result

So my glare node is not working properly. I am working on an animation and in the composite tab the glare node is visible but not in the render result.
Krazhn's user avatar
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Weird glare effect

Whenever I attempt to implement glare in this planet scene, it creates odd effects as seen in the image. The black dot is a sphere with an emission material and the strength set to 1000. In front of ...
Mr Calamari's user avatar