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Questions tagged [geometry]

Questions pertaining to creating, generating or editing an objects geometry. Object geometry is defined by editing and creating the location and rotation of vertices, edges, and faces.

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0 votes
0 answers

Instance a different sets of geometry on different parts of mesh by index

I have a mesh circle that has some deleted verts. Each seperate curve of this must have a different instance of geometry instanced to it. For example there are 4 parts. Curve index 0 must have cubes, ...
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0 answers

How to smooth cylinder with triangles

I have a 3d model imported from another software that I am trying to smooth. I only want to smooth the cylindrical part so that it does not cast a polygonal shadow as shown in the second image. The ...
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0 answers

how do i straighten these mesh edges?

I am currently starting a personal modeling project and I've noticed that my current mesh for the handle could be a bit neater for in the future when i do the UV handling work. Is there any techniques ...
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1 answer

Smooth curve ellipse in geometry nodes with low resolution

I'm preparing an animation with 5 instances to travel along an ellipse. They must also always face one direction. I'm able to achieve the instance. However, because the instances are dependent on the ...
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0 answers

Particle Hair not rendering correctly in Cycles

I'm trying to add hair to my beveled geometry, which I imported as an SVG from Illustrator to create an outline for my text. When I add a mesh cube and apply particle hair, it renders fine, but the ...
1 vote
0 answers

Constant Non-Manifold Edge issues

I am currently working on building my own shapes using flat planes - and then extruding/warping/etc afterwards. This has been a big help to my work flow but it's created an interesting set of ...
-1 votes
0 answers

How can I apply scale to a curve at only one of its ends in Blender's Geometry Nodes? [duplicate]

What I need is to make longer at will only one of the ends of a curve in Geometry Nodes
3 votes
3 answers

Create a spiral of shapes with increasing scale using Geometry Nodes

I want to achieve this effect using geometry nodes in Blender so that I can see how the spiral changes by changing the size of the starting isosceles triangle or the proportion between the triangles ...
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0 answers

Geometry Nodes - Crashing with too much geometry

I'm doing some work with artists that hand off hair geometry to me in the form of large (~1 GB) .objs consisting of only vertices and edges. My task is to take these and render them out in a nice way. ...
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0 answers

Geo Node Bounding Box UVs similar to Correct Face Attributes

I would like a bounding box created by geometry nodes to function as a boolean, and to use the texture of the bounding box for the texture of the hole. Normally, the texture changes when the main ...
1 vote
3 answers

GN: Is there a way to check if geometry intersects with its neighboring geometry?

When adding a new piece of geometry to a collection of other pieces, is there a way to check whether the new piece intersects with its neighboring pieces? As a simple example, the following could be a ...
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0 answers

What's the suggested method for modeling arched openings in a cube?

I'm trying to create something like this: I've tried creating the arches in a couple ways. I modeled the outlines of the arches and used the Knife Project tool on a cube. That wasn't great. Then I ...
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0 answers

clipping of objects when zooming out

I've been trying to model this simple street, the geometry (I think) looks fine. But when I start to zoom out, artefacts and clipping begins to appear even though the geometry looks simple and nothing ...
0 votes
1 answer

Geometry nodes - make instance on point of curve follow rotation

I am trying to create a sort of cable, using geometry nodes on a curve. Here's how it looks like now vs how I want it to look (sketch on the right side) Here's what my geometry nodes look like: The ...
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0 answers

How do I check for undercuts in Blender

I'm attempting to mass produce a model I made in Blender using injection molding process. The manufacture says I have undercuts in my model. An undercut is a geometry or angle in your model that will ...
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1 answer

Set origin to 3d cursor(3d cursor became the origin)

I was want to change the origin to where the cursor is, I did from Object>Set origin>Origin to 3D[enter image description cursor. But after that, The 3D became the origin and I can't change from ...
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1 answer

Blender 4.0 geo nodes: Bezier curve with 5 vertices subdivide only top 2 and bottom 2

How can I make in blender geo nodes the bezier curve only subdivide in between the top vertices and the bottom ones, while the one vertex in the middle is unsubdivided? Appreciate any reply
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1 answer

Randomise seed of distribute points in volume for instanced volumes

I'm trying to generate a piled stone wall that follows a curve with geometry nodes. Currently my approach is to generate points along a curve, then instance volumes along that curve. From there I use ...
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0 answers

Augmenting a mesh

I am quite new to Blender and I wonder if the following is possible: I leveraged Photogrammetry to create a 3d mesh with texture of my office plant: However, now I want to augment my plant to have ...
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0 answers

Blend Mean Radius for Skin modifier

I'm working with the skin modifier. I have a line were the mean radius is 2 on one end and 0.3 on the other. Is there an easy way to make the points in between have a progression from one radius to ...
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1 answer

Shading lines/artifacts in the viewport/render mode

I don't know why, but some lines appear in the shading on the object representing a triangle. All points of this side lie on the same plane (in the same X location). Tried to add weighted normals but ...
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1 answer

How to fill hole in mesh cleanly

i'm trying to model a crankset, I have left a ref picture but when I want to connect 4 extruded groups of faces I can't seem to get a clean mesh to fill the hole. I'm quite new to modelling so any ...
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0 answers

Node setup geo/material for randomizing visibility in a grid

Does anyone know a way to use i.e the Musgrave texture to randomize visibility of an item arrayed into a grid? I've tried applying the array, and then separating by loose parts and adding the Object ...
1 vote
1 answer

Load textures dynamically with LOD

I have setup a geometry nodes that lets me subdivide a plane based on camera distance, so as I get near it, I subdivide the vertices within the camera cull. At the same time, I use a texture to ...
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0 answers

How to get one face of 3D shape to match the surface of another

I have an STL file of a complex geometry (shoe-like object) and I am trying to create a separate object to fill the inside of that geometry (simulated leg). I have tried to use the shrinkwrap modifier ...
2 votes
1 answer

Geometry Nodes - Point Cloud from custom XYZ coordinates?

I'd like to create a point cloud using the Geometry Node Editor based on my own custom data. The data is stored in a .txt file, plain [x,y,z] coordinates and looks like this: ...
1 vote
1 answer

Pointiness for edge mask doesn't work at all

I'm trying to use the pointiness techniques to find the edges of my models, but I can't get it to work. I've tried googling, watching tutorials, but nothing has worked. I'm on 2.91, using Cycles with ...
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1 answer

Loop cut tool only select vertices (Blender)

I have the problem, that i can't create loop cuts on this specific face of the shape. I need a vertical loop cut there. In loop cut blender just selects one of the vertices. On every edge i try it it ...
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1 answer

Geometry Nodes Merge Proximity

I'm trying to create two 3D objects like this: but with their edges merged like this: using geometry nodes. Can someone point me to some resources that will let me do this? I tried convex hull, it ...
1 vote
1 answer

Geometry Nodes: How Can I make an Organic Vein system?

I want to make a geometry system that takes the volume of a mesh and first makes a bunch of sphere instances in the volume (these are stars) then the system makes pathways and organic vein-like ...
3 votes
2 answers

Extrude mesh based on proximity to faces

I am learning Geo Nodes and trying to understand this: Why is the extrusion uniform and not based on the empty controller's position and different faces? I expected to see that the greater the ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to align the rotation of an instance to object normals?

I am having trouble with Geometry Nodes in Blender. Basically, I'm trying to create some cables that have additional instantiated objects at the ends. I want the rotation of these objects to be ...
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1 answer

How to select non-manifold edges in geometry nodes?

I have a piece of clothing geometry that has arm and leg holes, I would like to create a selection of these parts programmatically in geometry nodes, is their an elegant way to accomplish this or am I ...
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1 answer

Set Position by using mesh islands in GeoNodes

I've divided my geometry into multiple mesh islands and stored a named integer attribute to identify which vertices belong to the same group. Then, I split edges to make some offset adjustments, and ...
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1 answer

Shading issues showing in rendered Cycles viewport but not in solid viewport

For some reason when I render the object in viewport 3D Render I see these lines that look like weird shading or geometry. But I have fixed this in the Solid Viewport where they don't show up. Also I ...
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1 answer

How can I make a cutout on face of plane?

I accidentally deleted geometry on my plane that was forming edges for a cutout, shown in yellow in the screenshot. How can I redraw the yellow lines and make it a cutout through the plane?
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2 answers

Anyway To Material Paint This Complex Geometry?

So what I want to do is material paint this middle part for a diffrent look, but the geometry is very complex, and I want to make it circular, and able to change in keyframes, so that way I can ...
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1 answer

Prevent objects/meshes from going or passing through other objects?

Without using physics, I wanna be able to freely move around objects like normal, but they cannot pass through certain other objects. Any way besides physics for this? like applying a location or ...
3 votes
1 answer

Separate distinct internal closed volume (automated)

I have an object containing multiple interior faces defining closed volumes. I'm looking for a way to identify each of those volume and separate them in different objects. The object is in "one ...
0 votes
1 answer

Correct use of Merge by Distance in Geometry Nodes, with smooth joining sites

I´d like to effectively merge two curves at their ends in Blender's Geometry Nodes without creating angles at the joining sites, while maintaining the smoothness of both curves. I wonder what is the ...
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1 answer

Height map from image geometry node position

I'm making a flat mesh using a plane and geometry nodes. I am using a heightmap that I generated to displace the z for points on the mesh. However, the image is being transformed into a square and not ...
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1 answer

Inserting extra vertices / triangles to give the model more geometry

I have a lo poly model. I would like to give it a bit more geometry here and there. This is a screenshot of what I would like to achieve: The left side shows the "original" object. On the right ...
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1 answer

Geometry Node: how to offset vertex position in world space [duplicate]

I want to offset vertex position of multiple objects in one direction only, regardless of their own rotations. This is very simple in Unity or Unreal Engine (for example: using a noise texture to ...
2 votes
2 answers

Object Library for basic geometry

For example in Houdini : Where can I find this Library for basic geometry (box, sphere, plane, torus etc) ? So I can just simply click them rather than using keyboard SHIFT-A -> /mesh/cube
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1 answer

Blender Face Weigted Normals using manual face selection sets

I have been using a super powerful script in maya created by Etienne Nadeau called the Normal Toolkit. Basically it allows you to pick out your chamfers manually and run the script on your mesh to ...
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0 answers

Deforming instances along a curve geometry nodes

I'm hoping someone can help as I can't work it out and can't find the answer anywhere. What I have is an object instanced along a spline, and I want to deform these instances based on a curve, which ...
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0 answers

Snap individual elements to - snap verts to *Edges* on other mesh?

Is there such a thing as 'Snap individual elements to edge'? I know about Snap individual elements to nearest faces. This is helpful in some scenarios e.g. where you have a group of verts and you're ...
2 votes
3 answers

Bic Lighter - Solving subdivision warping issues while cutting holes

I have been a little stuck with this model and I can't seem to figure out how to ground these cuts in the proper way so that my mesh does not warp. In my mind the way it is modelled now should be very ...
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1 answer

How do I only select vertices which are visible from my perspective in 3D View?

I'm trying to retopologize a high poly mesh and create a low poly version out of the existing sculpt. While selecting some vertices of my low poly mesh in order to edit them, other non-visible ...
3 votes
1 answer

Rope modelling with screw modifier

I'm modelling a rope using screw modifier (applied) on a circle (and unapplied curve modifier), so I've made a knot and tied it around a pole-like shape. The issue is I have no idea how I could edit ...

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