Questions tagged [conversion]

Questions about converting different types of data to other types of data. Anything from file types to objects and values.

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Convert quaternion from Blender to Unity

I want to convert an euler or quaternion rotation from Blender to an euler or quaternion rotation on Unity. The goal is not to export an object from Blender to Unity, but only to convert the rotation ...
Millhow's user avatar
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How to extrude the Grease Pencil draw like in sketchup?

I drew some curves with the Grease Pencil, and I want to transform it into a 3d wall. I tried researching a lot of how to do it, but i was really not able to found nothing. In the object mode, with ...
Enzo Dtz's user avatar
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I made a pile of balls using particle system and physics and now i want to replicate and transform this pile as an object not a simulation

I tried going to modifiers tab and click convert on the particle system modifier, but that tries to convert the whole simulation and crashes my pc , I only want to convert one frame of the simulation ...
azabian's user avatar
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Any way to convert STL to .max? [duplicate]

I can draw what I need on SketchUp (Maker free version of 2017). It can export on STL, which is fine for 3D printer, but now I need to feed my object into a ...
Rho Phi's user avatar
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How to convert vertex colors to materials

Title says it all How do I convert vertex colors into materials? I need this because .OBJ doesn't export the vertex colors with it it doesn't need to be 100% accurate, if there were dark red and ...
EDllT's user avatar
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Convert from Bezier surfaces RIB file into something Blender can import?

Can anybody recommend a free converter that’ll turn a Bezier surfaces RIB file into a mesh format that Blender can import? I have a RIB file of Ed Catmull's "Gumbo" that I’d like to use in ...
KickAir8p's user avatar
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What is the best way to convert VRay Reflection Maps to Roughness?

VRay uses a slightly different material workflow that makes use of reflection maps. I know that you can convert a gloss map to roughness by simply inverting it. However I've read that reflection maps ...
fmotion1's user avatar
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Where is the options menu for Convert mesh to Grease Pencil? [duplicate]

I dont understand how to find the options menu for Convert to Grease Pencil. Object ‣ ...
Emil Svanängen's user avatar
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"Bad number of vertex" when converting a model made in Blender

I would like to preface this by saying that I only use Blender for one specific activity: I make football football player face models for a football video game (something tells me you may have a had a ...
killahpl's user avatar
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Animation nodes texture value to vector

I would like to scale multiple instanced objects based on a BW texture so i can get random scale on objects. Can i do it with textures or is there any other way?
Istvan Fazakas's user avatar
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Can I use a Max model with V-ray materials in Blender without too much trouble?

and sorry for the ultra noobie question but just learning to use Blender (or better said...a computer 😅) and I'm about to spend a rather steep amount of $ on a Max V-ray model from TurboSquid for my ...
MK_Kahbivore's user avatar
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Can you easily export a .blend to a previous version of Blender? [duplicate]

I have 2 versions of Blender, 2.79 and 2.9. I edited a .blend file that was made in 2.79 today in 2.9, then saved. Now, I cannot open it in 2.79 anymore (it just crashes Blender). However, there are ...
MicroMachine's user avatar
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Converting bones transformation matrix from OpenGL to Blender

So, I'm trying to convert some transformation matrices from OpenGL to Blender but bone poses are wrong. I assume it's transformation matrix, I'm no expert in OpenGl but it's used in this function: <...
Kuro's user avatar
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How to Convert animated curve keyframes to Mesh or Grease Pencil

I have made a 3 second Text Converted to curves keyframe animation and now after 3 seconds I want convert the converted text curve to mesh or grease pencil preserving the curve keyframes The moment I ...
durmul's user avatar
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2.8x - Recovering removed properties from 2.7x .blend files

I'm converting an add-on from Blender 2.79 to 2.8x (currently using 2.83.4), and unfortunately it relied on some properties tied to the Blender Internal render engine which were removed in 2.8. I've ...
denetii's user avatar
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Using a .step file or other CAD files in blender

A while ago I tried to find out how to convert a .STEP file to a format that I could use in Blender and I noticed some people didn't think it was possible and some others gave links to blender addons ...
Nascent Space's user avatar
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How do I convert 2.8x scenes to 2.7x ones?

I am a researcher that has been coding on Python + Blender 2.78. I downloaded several 2.8x scenes from the web and want to render them with my scripts. I'm getting this error: ...
Sibbs Gambling's user avatar
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Problem with imported SVG - cannot convert curves to mesh properly

I imported an SVG caption from CorelDRAW and all letters are fine and get converted nicely to mesh, except the first one - "S". When I convert it to mesh it disappears. Also, it's the only ...
michalpe's user avatar
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Export Material View OBJ for Reality Converter

Is there a way in Blender to directly export exactly what is displayed in the Materials View as a .obj file? I'm trying to load the file into Apple's Reality Converter with the material attached ...
Lawlitrix's user avatar
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Convert Sphere UV Coordinates to Object Coordinates

I am trying to procedurally flatten out roughly one half of a sphere by using displacement. This would be easy to do by using Object or Texture Coordinates, but since I need these to be preserved for ...
Rigid's user avatar
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Opening a file from Version 2.83 in Version 2.49

I am attempting to make a mod for the game Fallout New Vegas... To do that, I need to make a model in Blender, then export it as a .NIF file, but this only seems to work in version 2.49, but I have no ...
Hopper's user avatar
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*.JT CAD format direct import

Has anyone stumbled across a decent way of importing .jt CAD files into Blender? Direct import would be nice. Currently I am using CAD Exchanger (paid license) but if someone is using an different ...
Imran's user avatar
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Converting metaball object to mesh in python returns empty mesh

In my script I'm trying to: Create a metaball object (works) Add metaball elements to it (works) Convert it to a mesh (returns empty mesh) Store the data in a bmesh (works, but is of course still ...
TheBeautifulOrc's user avatar
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How can I insert values at the start of an array of vectors in Blender 2.8 using Python

How can I insert a value in a array of vectors using Python 3.x? The full code is below. It is using Blender 2.82a: ...
Rick T's user avatar
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MAX to blender conversion trouble

I have a model of an oldtimer car that we're renovating. I'd like to try what colors we could use on the car and would like to do it in blender, but the model is in ...
Ondrej's user avatar
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Looking for a conversion rig or a swimmer rig

For a personal project I looking for a male and female swimmer fully rig. I found some but for another software. 2 questions. - is there someone who has these kind of caractor already done? - is ...
gillesdanger's user avatar
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Converting mesh(not sure is it mesh) into object

I want to convert that highlighted green triangle "Torus.001" , which represents icing in my case, into object so I can hide it and work with Donut.002. First of all, is this icon representing a mesh ...
Radoon's user avatar
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Using object.convert function after creating object

I'm creating an object from code obj ="ObjectName", SomeMeshData) Now, i want to convert ...
Adammak's user avatar
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SFM to Blender Conversion

I was wondering how to convert the files for sfm models, such as .vtx, .phy, .mdl, and .vvd into a Blender 2.8 compatible format.
CuriousGuest's user avatar
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Convert particle system to animated meshes Blender 2.8

We know the code below works in 2.79. But trying it in 2.8x it will not take effect and no error will be displayed. Anyone knows how what could be missing there? ...
Julio Cargnin Pereira's user avatar
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Converting geometry into Bones

Bones to mesh ISN'T what I'm hoping for. I thought this would be easy but I have Objects that follow simple rigid body physics and the lame fish shape. Can't I deform the fish using those box shapes ...
HelloHiHola's user avatar
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Changing rotation_mode from `YXZ` to `XYZ` without changing orientation?

I am writing an importer in Blender that appends a object and then moves and rotates that object by some stored values I have created in Unity and saved to a Json file. I found that in order to ...
Logic1's user avatar
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Blender Internals to EEVEE?

I have this model of starship enterprise all textured and set up. I wish to move over to EEVEE but heard that there is 0 compatibility between internal and eevee. Is that true? How can the model be ...
Jinu Chang's user avatar
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How Can You Turn a Low Poly Game Model Into a High Poly Model for a Cinematic?

I have extracted a couple models from Overwatch, and they are very low poly. My goal is to make the models look cinematic worthy I read in this as to how Blizzard made them look good for cinematics. ...
Dr. Stephen Strange's user avatar
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How do I convert a MTL file to a OBJ file? [duplicate]

I was trying to make a snowman from scratch and when I tried to import the file into blender it showed the xyz axis thing but no object, so I checked the format and it was a .MTL file. I've been ...
Random blender user's user avatar
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Can You Convert Hair Made From a Mesh Into a Particle System

I have been scouring the internet for an answer to this, but I can't seem to find one. I extracted a couple characters from Overwatch, these being: Mcree, Soldier: 76, Torbjörn, and Junkrat. In the ...
Dr. Stephen Strange's user avatar
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Converting parent animation to keyframes

I currently have an empty object as the child of an animated object which gives it motion of its own. I was wondering if there was a way to remove the parent object while keeping the motion on the ...
Ben Kruse's user avatar
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Convert .3ds to .fbx without losing scale

I'm trying to convert a bunch of .3ds files from a game to .fbx, so that I can import then into Unreal Engine. After the import into Unreal Engine all .fbx files have different sizes though. ...
WCarrot's user avatar
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UNLINK does not work to convert particles into new/original meshes

I am converting a particle system (based on a collection of meshes) into new meshes. The 'new' meshes stay connected (as I can see in EDIT mode) to the original one. Setting every single mesh to an '...
ngerbens's user avatar
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Converting Particles to Mesh not working (Blender 2.8)

I added some grass particles on a plane and want to turn it into a mesh. When I press the convert button in the Add Modifier menu, nothing happens. Does anyone have an idea how to fix this? I am ...
ngerbens's user avatar
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Convert a circle face to a square?

I don't know how to make that transition from a circle to a square. Any ideea ?
Krenk's user avatar
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How do I fix bpy.ops.object.mode_set.poll() failed, context is incorrect?

I am trying to convert a metaball object to a mesh, but I cant pass this stage. I am basically stuck. I checked out all the bpy.context and context override and bpy.ops posts and documents and i ...
yarun can's user avatar
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Alt-C not working in Blender 2.8

I want to convert my text object to mesh. In 2.79 it was Alt-C, are the keys changed for 2.80? I browsed it externally and I got some thing like this image as answer.. but any shortcut-keys will be ...
Yash's user avatar
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How can I make this airfoil/wing with the help of a Bezier curve without having to turn it into a mesh in Blender 2.79b?

Is there a way I can turn this airfoil here, into a wing? I made the wing by converting the curve into a mesh, and then extruding it, but of course I lost the very useful handes of the curve. How ...
DreamSkywards's user avatar
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Blender 2.8 December 24 Grease Pencil convert to geometry is gray out and it's not working

Hi everyone I don't know if it's a bug or not but I'm using latest version of Blender 2.8 December 24 blender-2.80.0-git.4c5e76025d83-windows64 and I can't convert my strokes to geometry at all they ...
Makan Persia's user avatar
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How to convert physics animation to a curve/path?

Ok. I have a ball at the very top and a long curved tube leading down and I want to turn the ball's physics animation into a follow path animation. In order to do that I need to somehow make a path ...
Rig's user avatar
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How to make a simple Format Conversion Script?

I am a newbie in Blender and have only basic knowledge of Python scripting. But I thought I could make this script on my own - but failed. My basic idea is to import the file with ...
Georg Statter's user avatar
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Converting particles (Render Type: Group) to objects is not working as expected

I have a Particle System with hundreds of particles. Their Render Type is set to Group. I want to convert such particles to separate objects. I tried "Make Duplicated Real" and clicking "Convert" in ...
menfon's user avatar
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Is Alembic the correct option for me?

I use Blender for Minecraft animations. I make my maps in Minecraft and export them with Mineways in OBJ format. I use quite big maps(around 3 GB). Blender can't open big files or takes a long time. ...
Gamer Yigit's user avatar
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Convert polygonal cube to solid primitive cube/box

I have a radiation analysis program (NOVICE by EMPC) that only accepts 3D models made up solely of solid primitives, such as cubes or "boxes". My strategy is to "voxelize" complex models using ...
alex.l's user avatar
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