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Questions tagged [bump]

The Bump Node is used in materials to simulate the appearance of displacement. Use this tag for questions about the use of the Bump node.

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2 answers

Baking bump map into texture with normal map

I'm trying to bake a bump map from procedural materials into a texture so I can export to .fbx, but no matter what i do I'm not getting the intended result when I plug the generated texture into my ...
hirtenstar's user avatar
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How to apply normal/bump maps?

I applied a bump map to dent the geometry a bit but it seems like the program is taking the edges instead of adding them as a hole. What am I doing wrong? What I would like to achieve is something ...
Sebastian Inostroza's user avatar
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how to make a subtractive emboss on complex mesh

I'm trying to emboss a logo on the toe bumper of my shoe model. I've tried to input the logo as an image texture and use bump displacement, but I'm still a bit overwhelmed by shader editor and ...
blenderbeginner's user avatar
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Different objects stretch bumps differently

This is an extremely simple, procedural Material. Why does it stretch differently, even on super-basic objects? How do I resolve this issue (without using a Texture & UV unwrapping)?
Elp's user avatar
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Renders, cycles - strange noise on textures with bump applied

I've noticed strange noise forming bigger spots. It's only in these places where I've applied bump textures. I tried to increase max samples, decrease bump strength, decrease noise threshold. Looking ...
Kokos3's user avatar
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No Normal Output of the Bump Node

I want to use the "Normal" or "Reflection" output from the Texture Coordinate Node. If I do so, the Bump node does not display any normal data. As You can see, the bump node should ...
Marius's user avatar
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Adding bump to a matcap material

:) I'm trying to make a stylized wood material, using just matcaps (without lighting). Is there any way to add bump or normal map to this material? I attached my material setup. Thanks!
Ben Karamyan's user avatar
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Bump doesn't look the same in viewport and render

I am creating a vinyl record in Blender and used a wave texture to add bump in the shader editor. But the bump almost doesn't show in the final render. Viewport: Final Render: Here is my .blend file:...
Eyal Cohen's user avatar
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Why when I try to bucket fill, colour is lighter than it should?

In bump texture painting, I colour pick, but when I try to bucket fill, the resulting colour is lighter, how can I fix this issue? The strength is set to 1, and I tried to check and uncheck pressure, ...
Chiara Ani's user avatar
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Turning bump off entirely temporarily in eevee

Is there a way of turning off bump entirely for a temporary time then turn it back on in Eevee? When I use bump nodes and noise detail things gets a bit laggy in material preview.
Yang's user avatar
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Smooth normals to avoid squares in shading

I am trying to make ripples using Geometry Nodes and I got some problem : This is how the generated bump map looks. Is there a way to smooth that overlapping bump data ? I use Geometry Nodes ...
RobenSikk's user avatar
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why is their black shading on my model from the displacement map?

these textures are exported from substance painter with opengl displacement and bump is on changing the midlevel less or more than .500 inflates the mesh changing the scale doesn't affect the black ...
j a s m i n e's user avatar
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How to generate a bump map from two slightly different meshes?

Suppose that there is a mesh A. After very slightly and subtly sculpting it (changing some vertices' positions), it becomes mesh B. Now I want to generate a bump map which represents mild differences ...
saturnbag's user avatar
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Volume on a model using a black and white texture

I have a brush model that came with all it’s textures here and I was wondering how I could apply the black and white “ink” texture and make it have some volume on it, possibly without using bump node ...
Brian Houde's user avatar
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Bump node has some problems on a bevel object

I have applied a texture to an object, using the bump node and then I tried to apply the bevel modifier (I have applied the scale of the object to make smoother edges applying the bevel modifier). But ...
bl4nk's user avatar
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3 answers

Bump node create wrong normals from height

I attached a wave texture into a height input of a bump node, expecting to get normals corresponding to a sine surface, but instead I get normals of (0,0,1) and I can't find why.\ I checked the values ...
audi02's user avatar
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Normal/Bump maps causing flat shading

Whenever I add a normal/bump map to a smooth object the shading goes flat. Even on a UV sphere the issue remains. The shader is only using procedural textures so I can't change anything to non-color ...
saunders44's user avatar
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Help with preventing bump mapping from affecting the glossy part of my material, file included

I'm trying to create two materials while having surface imperfections only on the glossy part. I have uploaded the blend file. My problem is that I don't know how to make the bump map only affect ...
N03's user avatar
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how to create paths and bump up the texture

im stuck at this point i manage to add the image texture both sides to create the skin but what i want to do is to trace every vein and bump them up a very little so i can create a second layer over ...
L C's user avatar
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Recreate a fabric/texture by using procedural lines and making them stand-out/high displacement/bump

I have been doing some research about what is the best way to recreate this image as a texture. As you can see its a faux leather fabric with this frayed gazar denim stitched on top of it. Only I ...
Rh2's user avatar
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I followed a Youtube video to do a water effect on a plane. The first time I did it, it worked nicely. The second and third time it failed

as mentioned in the title I followed a Youtube video showing how to make a water effect on a plane. It basically was just create a plane and then add Noise Texture and Bump nodes. The first time I did ...
leoitch's user avatar
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How can I emboss a certain part of a label and change the roughness?

The first image is the effect I'm trying to aim for, the second image is what I currently have. I'm trying to apply the embossed, shiny effect to the word 'Elevit' and only the word Elevit. I have ...
J Begum's user avatar
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Bump map in "non-color" mode has inconsistent gray in image editor + 3D view?

The blend is simple: Default cube, add a shader node to the material to do image texture -> bump -> material normals. I add a new texture for the bump map at 50% gray, and I can paint black ...
Ako's user avatar
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weird polygon lines when using bump map

Hello, I'm having an issue where the lines in my mesh appear after I add a bump map. I'm using a bump map on other meshes in the scene but this is the only one with a problem. it only appears in the ...
ben's user avatar
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How to Create a Bumped Logo with Flickering Light Animation in Blender?

Hello Blender community, I'm relatively new to Blender and I'm trying to recreate a specific animation effect for a logo, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to achieve it. I've seen a video where ...
Aimad Alachal's user avatar
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How to control displacement map applied by texture coordinate with object for cylindrical surface

Any idea how to fix the shader to display the displacement map correctly (pictures A, B, C and D)? I am using texture coordinate with object (empty axis). It worked fine with a flat surface with ...
PXM's user avatar
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Bump Node bumps pixels of image

You see my problem above? How can I solve this? Does the Image texture maybe need to be a higher resolution?
Part of the revengers's user avatar
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How to smooth the convex shapes of a bump map?

I've created (using texture painting) a bump map pattern. Pattern is all right, but it has sharp, distinct edges, however I need the shapes of this pattern to be extra smooth, soft (more like the ...
Marfa Razmakhova's user avatar
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How can I achieve something similar to this stippled ceiling texture without using image textures?

I'm trying to create various ceiling textures at the moment, and this one in particular is giving me some trouble. For reference, a common stippled ceiling should look like this: To try to achieve ...
NickJ_001's user avatar
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Blender Bump Node what color is the neutral position (no bump)

In Blender Bump Node what color is the neutral position (no bump).black, white, or 50% grey? and what is up and what is down?
Yvana's user avatar
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Bump + Displace Map - Weird Result

I'm rendering a scene with a material that has a bump + displace map. At 4096 samples, why do I see this happening? The mesh it's applied to has a subdvision surface modifier applied to it https://...
Matthew's user avatar
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2 answers

Problems with Gradient and Bump Node

I'm trying to make a color gradient. When I use Wave Texture as a color, everything works correctly, the gradients are not sharp. But if I connected Wave Texture as Bump Height, the gradients become ...
arachnoden's user avatar
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How to produce bump with radial tangent input + noise texture on meridians of a sphere?

I'm trying to make like an exaggerated skid marks defect on extruded aluminum. I tried tangent input and noise texture, but the bump map is not working. I need it to be bumpy on the xz-plane if the ...
topcat's user avatar
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Apply procedural bump map to mesh (displace modifier)

I have a Shader with some nodes: But I want to use the information of the Bump map in a Displace modifier to affect the mesh. I tried so many ways but none work.. My goal is to 3d Print my design ...
envy's user avatar
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How to use a two different materials with a single face

Is it possible to have assigned different materials to different faces of an object, but to use only one single material as a bump map for the whole object? Thank you in advance for your answer.
Idris Buhari's user avatar
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Bump smooths when joining objects

So. As seen in the picture there is a bump node used and the effect disappears after joining the eye to the body. (The eye on the left is joined, the eye on the right is not). I've tried unwrapping ...
user154193's user avatar
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Bump/Displace I just have a hard time comprehending

I'm trying to get these black & white photos to raise from the wall, distinctly. PROJECT FILE I've watched hours of YouTube tutorials. I've fiddled with the settings. I've gotten bump/displace to ...
Wes Lee's user avatar
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How do I add a bump map to a single face on the default cube? [duplicate]

In terms suitable for an absolute beginner with no plugins or node editing, how wold you take the default starting cube, select a single face, and then add a bump map to that face alone? This must be ...
Aaargh Zombies's user avatar
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Displacement doesn't work

It's frustrating that every time I try to mark a logo with some bump using displacement, displacement just doesn't work! here's some screenshot of the problem and blender file. the texture just with ...
Hao-Wei.H's user avatar
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When I switch to Cycles from Eevee, the details in my texture are lost

Link to the blender file[I'm new to blender. I did all of the 3d model and materials with Eevee, and when I change it to cycles, I have a problem. In the rendered image, it looks like the bump isn't ...
BCussi's user avatar
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Bump does not follow my UV map

Still new to Blender - and this must be a beginners question. I've made a rough, but usable UV map for my object. The UV checker texture is distributed as expected but my bump is not. Coming from Maya ...
JeppeNygaard's user avatar
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Why doesn't Bump Node work?

Trying to create a decay effect but nothing happens when I connect the bump node to the principled bsdf. Why?
atkaizer's user avatar
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Texture Paint not showing on 3d view model

I have been following a skillshare tutorial and got stuck on the step with texture painting: The bump "paint" shows on uv map, but not on 3d view window. I tried texture painting on other ...
Anko's user avatar
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Can't get any Bump channel results [duplicate]

I'm new to Blender and following Blender Guru's donut tutorials and I can't get any results with from the Bump node. I've gone through the steps of the tutorial twice and still nothing. What am I ...
kariomart's user avatar
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Increasing the impression of depth when using fake bump displacement?

I wanted to use a pure black and white logo image, i.e. no grayscale, to create an engraved effect on a surface using fake bump (i.e. Displacement set to Bump Only) and was disappointed with the ...
George Hawkins's user avatar
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How do I fix my bump map being messed up from certain angles?

For some context, I'm trying to turn my profile picture into a spinning coin GIF. I made a bump map and stuff, so it looks kind of 3d, but it seems to get messed up from certain viewing angles. Here ...
Maple38's user avatar
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How can I make all the mesh peaks at same height?

I have a relief mesh but I can't figure out how to make the same peak height across the full length of the curve. I tried to align the peaks with scale but the result was not good.
Georgi Kovachev's user avatar
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How can I get my bump map less extreme?

So I am mixing a bump map and normal map. I can turn the strength down which gives the effect I want for the bump map, but that decreases the strength of my normal map which I do NOT want. I tried ...
j a s m i n e's user avatar
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Randomizing Texture coordinates through nodes, but not enough variety

I'm working on a piece where theres a brick wall. I'm using a noise texture to bump map to create a certain look, and I Alt+D'd the bricks so I'd be able to edit the material in one go. The problem I'...
Cullan 'Figgs' Bruce's user avatar
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Proper way of sculpting for smoothing bumps?

I was sculpting my model and I used dyntopo while sculpting. On skin some bumps appeared while sculpting. With "bumps" I mean the curves on the skin. You can see them especially on the legs. ...
Barisch's user avatar
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