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Volume on a model using a black and white texture

I have a brush model that came with all it’s textures here and I was wondering how I could apply the black and white “ink” texture and make it have some volume on it, possibly without using bump node ...
Brian Houde's user avatar
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Help with preventing bump mapping from affecting the glossy part of my material, file included

I'm trying to create two materials while having surface imperfections only on the glossy part. I have uploaded the blend file. My problem is that I don't know how to make the bump map only affect ...
N03's user avatar
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Bump Node bumps pixels of image

You see my problem above? How can I solve this? Does the Image texture maybe need to be a higher resolution?
Part of the revengers's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How to smooth the convex shapes of a bump map?

I've created (using texture painting) a bump map pattern. Pattern is all right, but it has sharp, distinct edges, however I need the shapes of this pattern to be extra smooth, soft (more like the ...
Marfa Razmakhova's user avatar
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2 answers

Texture Paint not showing on 3d view model

I have been following a skillshare tutorial and got stuck on the step with texture painting: The bump "paint" shows on uv map, but not on 3d view window. I tried texture painting on other ...
Anko's user avatar
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Randomizing Texture coordinates through nodes, but not enough variety

I'm working on a piece where theres a brick wall. I'm using a noise texture to bump map to create a certain look, and I Alt+D'd the bricks so I'd be able to edit the material in one go. The problem I'...
Cullan 'Figgs' Bruce's user avatar
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How to "create" a bigger height difference between the continents and oceans of this Earth model?

I assume missing something very basic, but I can't for the life of me figure out a way to properly increase the "height" of the continents . Still sort of new in using Blender and I feel ...
CeRbErU30's user avatar
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Is there a limit on the chaining of nodes in the shader editor?

I'm trying to create a procedural texture in cycles using smaller texture maps with masks separating them. Each texture map is grouped with a mask and image texture. It is then outputted into a mix ...
DS89's user avatar
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3 answers

Adding an bump node to an emission / image texture

I would like to add a bit of height (bump) to the moon texture here but since I am no node expert all my attempts failed. Is there a way to add a bump node to the image texture in order to make the ...
ronin074's user avatar
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Bump and Normal Map node changes color of my Image Texture

I tried to use apples as a texture and add to it a bit of depth. But after adding bump or normal map it changes color to black and white. How can I keep the color?
user130027's user avatar
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Randomly create holes in mesh in "Shading" Tab

I'am currently trying to make a cookie in blender. Looking at a reference photo, I found that cookies have small holes. So, to recreate this texture, I used a "Noise Texture" Node, which I ...
Exit Code 1's user avatar
3 votes
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Help to create a texturized material

I need help to reproduce this material with this "texture". It is a playing card, it can be vynil, or simple hard plastic. I know it is not that hard, but I still have some problems with ...
Gabriel Magalhães's user avatar
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How do I mix two bump nodes and fade from one to the other?

Here is a simple flower bud with a colour pattern using noise and a gradient texture. Now I want to add two textures, a wave pattern for the petals and a noise pattern for the stem. I have used a ...
Aubrey's user avatar
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Understanding the bump node

I see a lot of tutorials that explain how to use a bump node by demonstrating its use and giving a hand-waving explanation regarding what it actually does. Things like it "perturbs the normal&...
rothloup's user avatar
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Why no displacement seen in cycles render

With the node wrangler addon. I tried the node setup. Will the maps. With the cycles render i cannot see the bump result. Cycles Render Result Node Setup In Material -> Setting i have selected ...
atek's user avatar
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6 votes
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Bump node seems inverted on one side of the object

First of all, I'm quite new to Blender and 3D graphics in general, so this problem might be trivial, but I can't seem to figure out what is going wrong here. I decided to put a bump node on a metallic ...
Llaminator's user avatar
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Mask Map Displacement

I'm making a Brick Wall texture, from the Rob Tutyel course. The main problem with this wall is the Sandstone border. It's just bulging way too much. I hope you can see that hard transition with the ...
Galactic_CakeYT's user avatar
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Sandstone Border Bulges

I'm some what new to Blender, especially to nodes, so I don't know if this is a beginner question. I'm making a Brick Wall texture, from the Rob Tutyel course. The main problem with this wall is the ...
Galactic_CakeYT's user avatar
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Procedural texture creating rough edges

I'm new to blender, and I decided to model a cookie to develop some basic skills. I'm practically finished, but I'm running across a problem. The bottom part of the cookie looks really spiky and low ...
Dollar Store Richard's user avatar
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3 answers

Create a translucent plastic node setup/bump map for "ice pack" material

Looking to recreate this rough polyethylene material with a "gel" ish appearance underneath. Any help is appreciated! Thanks!!
Cam Kennedy's user avatar
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Plugging noise into bump is causing texture to show bump colors

I have two bumps strung together, and no matter which way I string them, when I plug the noise into either bump node, it shows colors you would see when plugging bump into albedo, you know, the ...
Just a hobbyist's user avatar
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How can I use a curve node to shape the edge of this node texture?

I'm really struggling to understand why the curves layer isn't creating rounded edges in this shader. My goal is to control the shape of tile edges with a curve node (to achieve custom/rounded edges), ...
Max Williams's user avatar
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How to attach a Bump Node to a Node setup containing many shaders in Cycles?

Link to my file in question File info :File consists of a mesh shaped like a shield that is undergoing a softbody sim. Uses 4 individual materials. My aim : I need to use Bump on the entire mesh to ...
Hash's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Tight grass procedural bump texture?

I'm trying and failing to get a procedural texture to emulate this real life grass. The "grass" purchasable packs are not much use, as they're not so very tight cut as this is. It will be ...
dwbell's user avatar
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Why does this material crash Blender 2.81a Eevee on OS X El Capitan

FYI: this on OS X El Capitan with Blender 2.81a. I copied the attached material from a youtube tutorial for Blender 2.80. I made some modifications to the original, but the only stickler seems to be ...
guitardood's user avatar
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Why does the texture within the shader viewport look more distorted than the actual texture image?

Oviously, the texture image(in red rectangle) hasn't scratches. But why do the textures in the Shader Viewport appear scratches? I only used, Bump Node.
bakuiseok's user avatar
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How do implement material without a texture image?

I am trying to implement the material on the object, such as the picture below, without the texture image. I've looked for a function called "Bump Node" to implement the material, but I'm not yet ...
bakuiseok's user avatar
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Proper and easy way to connect nodes

still learning Blender, I find myself dealing with textures. I downloaded models and among the .obj file, I also have a normal, bump, glow, diffuse and specular image. Now, in the shading panel, I ...
Danny Bouchard's user avatar
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Cycles Nodes: problem combining two procedural masks for bump (fake displacement)

Struggling some problem here. I've made up a procedural node group representing a single area with gradient that can be placed anywhere on a cylinder's side. It works ok. When I combine (via Math Add ...
Tntcept's user avatar
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spikes emerged when i put displacement node in blender 3d 2.8

soo i im using image texture for base color and displacement then i enabled experimental from render tab then i enabled displacement and bump in materials - setting - surface - displacement. and ...
Vinayak Verma's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How to combine the bump maps of two texture maps?

I give a clay texture map (downloaded online) to the 3d model, it gives the colour of the model, then the roughness input and finally the normal input (non color data for the last two inputs). I also ...
vorkatht11's user avatar