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why is their black shading on my model from the displacement map?

these textures are exported from substance painter with opengl displacement and bump is on changing the midlevel less or more than .500 inflates the mesh changing the scale doesn't affect the black ...
j a s m i n e's user avatar
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Blender Bump Node what color is the neutral position (no bump)

In Blender Bump Node what color is the neutral position (no bump).black, white, or 50% grey? and what is up and what is down?
Yvana's user avatar
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When I switch to Cycles from Eevee, the details in my texture are lost

Link to the blender file[I'm new to blender. I did all of the 3d model and materials with Eevee, and when I change it to cycles, I have a problem. In the rendered image, it looks like the bump isn't ...
BCussi's user avatar
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How do I fix my bump map being messed up from certain angles?

For some context, I'm trying to turn my profile picture into a spinning coin GIF. I made a bump map and stuff, so it looks kind of 3d, but it seems to get messed up from certain viewing angles. Here ...
Maple38's user avatar
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How to "create" a bigger height difference between the continents and oceans of this Earth model?

I assume missing something very basic, but I can't for the life of me figure out a way to properly increase the "height" of the continents . Still sort of new in using Blender and I feel ...
CeRbErU30's user avatar
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object with displacement map looks low poly

I have a beach scene here and when rendering in cycles, the sand at the front looks very low-poly even with smooth shading. I turned off the displacement map but that also took away the bumps in the ...
desperrrr's user avatar
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Bump and Normal Map node changes color of my Image Texture

I tried to use apples as a texture and add to it a bit of depth. But after adding bump or normal map it changes color to black and white. How can I keep the color?
user130027's user avatar
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Cycles bump node behaves weirdly non-linear. Is there something wrong with its implementation?

Cycles and Eevee don't agree, and I think Cycles' implementation of the bump node is wrong. Where do I go to report this? This is why I think so: I made a tool that "carves" a bump map I ...
Jacob Bruinsma's user avatar
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Why no displacement seen in cycles render

With the node wrangler addon. I tried the node setup. Will the maps. With the cycles render i cannot see the bump result. Cycles Render Result Node Setup In Material -> Setting i have selected ...
atek's user avatar
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Artifacts on border of PNG in render

I am trying to fix an issue that only appears in my renders. I am using the latest version of blender 1.92. In the image below I have highlighted the sections where the issue appears. It seems to be ...
Nymex's user avatar
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3 answers

Create a translucent plastic node setup/bump map for "ice pack" material

Looking to recreate this rough polyethylene material with a "gel" ish appearance underneath. Any help is appreciated! Thanks!!
Cam Kennedy's user avatar
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How to attach a Bump Node to a Node setup containing many shaders in Cycles?

Link to my file in question File info :File consists of a mesh shaped like a shield that is undergoing a softbody sim. Uses 4 individual materials. My aim : I need to use Bump on the entire mesh to ...
Hash's user avatar
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Objects appear normal in material preview but in rendered mode with cycles they're encased in weird material blobs

[EDIT: I'm pretty sure this was just a weird glitch. I switched to 'bump' as the node, then back to displacement, and it went away. Really odd but anyway. Maybe this can help someone else] I'm new to ...
Marten's user avatar
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Problem with "Bump map"

I don't know why its not working. :( I'm new in node editor thx for understanding.
MAX.RAY's user avatar
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Cycles material with bump and image texture - scale only the bump map?

What I'm trying to achieve is a smaller/finer bump pattern in the material while the image should remain at its current size. I tried scaling the UV map but then the image texture is scaled the same ...
Sasha C.'s user avatar
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Cycles Nodes: problem combining two procedural masks for bump (fake displacement)

Struggling some problem here. I've made up a procedural node group representing a single area with gradient that can be placed anywhere on a cylinder's side. It works ok. When I combine (via Math Add ...
Tntcept's user avatar
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Displacement map creates gaps on the corners of a wall

I'm able to create this bump effect using a brick texture on a plane with a displacement map, but when I tried to apply it on my current model it creates gaps or "holes" on the corner. What I want is ...
Hilmy's user avatar
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