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Questions tagged [brushes]

This tag is for questions related to Blender's brushes. Blender has many different brushes, which are tools used for sculpting and texture painting. Brushes in Blender have properties such as Radius and Strength and other properties.

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How to use a texture to distort only the edges of a brush in texture paint?

As the title says I'd like to distort the edges of my brush without having the actual inner color of my brush be affected. How do I do this?
user136739's user avatar
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Precisely moving, rotating and scaling the mesh in the Sculpt mode do not work properly. Is this a Bug?

Here is the default cube with some loop cuts: Now, in the Sculpt mode, let's mask the upper half of the cube, and then use the scale brush to increase the scale of the lower half in the X and Z ...
Blender Lake's user avatar
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Clay strips sculpting brush cutting inward in certain areas and cutting outward in others

I am making an axe and am using the clay strips brush to make marks in the axe but when I draw over the part of the axe that is carved out the clay strip digs into the mesh instead of adding to it. I ...
Peter Randall's user avatar
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Why can't I get my alpha brush to paint textures using images?

Alpha brush not showing texture, tried with different files and images, all make the same unwanted effect. The example below is what a simple click and drag does, this is with the strength at 1.0 but ...
Ben's user avatar
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