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subtract brush cannot remove weight from model in weight painting

i tried all brushes and none of them can affect this point of model, i set brush setting to max weight and strength but it still cant remove that while it still able to remove weight from every other ...
Ozus's user avatar
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I got blocked to use brush

After selecting object and switching to weight paint mode, not able to apply any brush on specific vertex group in Blender 4.2 LTS update. Never faced such problem in previous version. Here in above ...
user202725's user avatar
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How can I access the Blur, Smear and Gradient tool for weight painting in Blender 4.2.1?

I can't find any help in the manual on where the tools are. There are apparently in the Blend options but they aren't there either.
Devyn Kyng's user avatar
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How do I paint and sculpt with a ''Connected only'' brush? Like edit mode has

So instead of weight painting in a 3d sphere, which also catched onto close geometry, painting in a connected only manner, that only edit mode has as far as I know. If this logic exists for edit mode, ...
Oenkel's user avatar
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Which of painting modes is correct for usual drawing in weight paint mode?

In weight paint mode I can draw with higher values: but I can't redraw mesh with lower values. As I remember the problem could be in brush blend mode (which is selected to ...
Сергей's user avatar
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Weight paint brush behaving weirdly

The brush in weight painting mode is acting really strangely for me. It barely seems to go over the parts that I'm trying to paint, or like it can only hit very specific spots. It's making it very ...
redbirb12's user avatar
2 votes
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Why I can't use weight paint for bones?

I want to change weight for the bones of my character, but it doesn't react on my actions. I've tried to disable paint mask mode, to pre-select all faces, but my character still doesn't react. I only ...
Сергей's user avatar
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How to disable blue line in weight paint brush

Found this weird line with the weight paint brush, Does anybody know how to disable it?
Sebastian Auremonia's user avatar
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Weightpaint can't suptract or change weight of brush

I downloaded a rig from a youtuber that is meant for easy animation/Mocap Clean Up. I assigned the Armature to the new Model and then started weightpainting. Issue: When i select subtract the brush ...
Black Universe Productions's user avatar
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Is there a way to weight paint such that falloff only affects a contiguous mesh?

I am attempting to weight paint a rig whose mesh is made of many loose parts. (I am attempting to import it into a game, and for whatever reason, separating the mesh and parenting the individual loose ...
Globin347's user avatar
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