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Questions tagged [actions]

An action is a data-block in Blender which stores animation data. This tag should be used when asking about managing or exporting actions, not for general animation questions.

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Problem with greyed out action editor

Action editor all functions greyed out, can't make or edit any actions.
Dan's user avatar
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Working with actions as aset, when using NLA and asset managmet, unespect keys are added during action assigment in blender 4.3

I am trying to make following. I have generated rig of human using metahuman and rigify. When I am creating isolated action( only single rotation or location chage for example fingers close) with ...
Ohoboho's user avatar
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Trigging a driver on certain actions

I have searched for a few hours and tried things, but to no avail. At loss atm. Background: I'm working on rigged characters imported from Character Creater 4: A driver that is attached to jaw-root ...
Ronnie Tegnemaskin's user avatar
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Linked object and rig without keyframes

I have made a model, a rig for the model and several actions for it through the action editor. Then I have made a new Blender file and linked the collection of the model and rig from the first file ...
Eule's user avatar
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NLA settings, or why isn't an action being executed?

As part of a multi-scene short film project (using Blender 4.2.1), I have a (Rigify rigged) character that does a named action which has been pushed on to the NLA stack (in fact, multiple versions of ...
RonE's user avatar
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Coordinate multiple actions (bone animations) with multiple shape key animations, intended for Unity

Initial title: Make shrinkwrap animation suitable for export into Unity Keywords, Key phrases combining shape keys with armature animation, link shape key animation to one action animation, associate ...
Skopyk's user avatar
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How to create multiple actions (animations) from modifiers and export them with the model?

I'm trying to make a Slime monster with a wave modifier animation for idle and one for wobbling motion when moving forward. So I have two questions: How to bake a modifier animation into a fbx file? ...
Al777's user avatar
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Script to paste flip all actions?

So I have an armature with flipped animations. Copy and paste flipped (SHIFT+CTRL+V) works fine but it's kind of tedious to manually do it for every action. I've been thinking of making a script that ...
Hikarea's user avatar
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Can I Combine Visibility of Different Parented Objects into Single NLA track with the Animation of the Character?

I'm generating Animated Characters to use in Dungeon Alchemist--exported as GLB files. No problems with all of that. DA just added functionality, which allows onscreen toggling through a list of NLA ...
Da Wolff's user avatar
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Change render visibility of collection at start/end of action

I have two collections of objects, one is for a walk cycle and the other is for an idle cycle of two things that look visually similar but are not the same. The end goal is to have two things which ...
cnrtks's user avatar
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Assign action is not enabled in the asset browser

I created a character and added an animation. I registered the character in the Asset browser and also registered the animation. Characters are brought in well. But the action isn't working well. I ...
novacrown's user avatar
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FBX export is not showing all animations

I have a model with several animations on it using various methods (basic object movement keyframes, and an armature pose). I am also Mirroring these. It looks like the issue is that Blender has ...
sclong's user avatar
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Selecting Animation Actions for Multiple Armatures

Bit of a straight forward question. I can competently animate multiple different armatures at the same time, but my issue is the tedium of having to select each armature from the Outliner and choose ...
Derek Fix's user avatar
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Material change bleeds into other actions

I want to create two separate actions: one moves the object, and the other changes object color via a material. For some reason color change appears during the move action. In fact material changes ...
testingkind's user avatar
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Copy keyframes from one action to another that doesn't have keyframes

I want to know if it is possible to copy/paste keyframes from boneA in actionA to boneA in actionB without creating new keyframes. Here is the situation: I have a long list of actions for this ...
Milton Cobe's user avatar
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Using a Maya FBX rigged character to generate new characters and rigs in Blender

Good evening! This is the first time I'm approaching the stackexchange, I really hope this question doesn't sound too complex or messed up. TL;DR: How do I create Blender armatures that work this Maya ...
Jomomu's user avatar
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How can I keep a light power animation in an action for NLA (Blender 4.0)

I am trying to create a blinking light animation effect to use NLA to intersperse the light randomly through my animation. However following the same steps I have used for other animations --> Dope ...
Rich Morey's user avatar
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How to animate multiple characters in a single scene

I'm new to Blender. Basically, I am trying to create an animation where 2 characters shake hands. And I want to export this to Unity for game development. When I'm thinking about this task, I am ...
Murly Cel's user avatar
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How can I solve Mixamo animation going to origin point?

Mixamo animation; my character sad idle to turn 180° then I add another action but that action going to origin point how can solve it? This my animation of Mixamo action how can I solve enter image ...
Karana 258's user avatar
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Keyframe Creating Unwanted Actions Hi, I'm trying to create an animation of this armoire opening both doors at once, I have one bone for each door. Here's a video of my problem but in short, whenever I ...
Blake Wilson's user avatar
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UPBGE Actions Using Joystick Control

I am in the process of creating a playable character in UPBGE 0.36.1. I’m setting it up with a USB gamepad so that A) the character moves faster or slower according to how much the left analog stick ...
Caleb Holmberg's user avatar
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How to use one object's keyframe time as a driver?

I now have an object that has two keyframes, and I want to get the time of the second keyframe and use that as a driver for another parameter that controls the start time of the animation of the other ...
liuran's user avatar
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How to Export every Action for Specific Armature as Separate FBX?

My goal is to export every action that has animation data on a specific armature into separate FBX files. This is what I have so far. But, it's not quite working right. It crashes if I do not have an ...
dagobaking's user avatar
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Has "Show pose markers" option been deleted in blender 4.0?

I am trying to add Action-specific markers in blender 4.0... By googling I found this thread Are animation markers part of the timeline or part of an action?, but couldn't find the option when I tried ...
FriedCrow's user avatar
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How to convert NLA Tracks to proper Actions?

I created 16 animations for my model using actions but some of my animations looks like this. How can I get rid of this NLA thing and make all animations as actions?
Batuhan İpek's user avatar
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Blender export animation keyframes FBX to unity

I encounter an issues, when I want to export a FBX from blender to Unity. The problem is that in Unity are a lot of animations objects imported. And here are my blender settings, also I have uploded ...
diniulian's user avatar
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Releasing keyframes from an action strip in the NLA editor

I was experimenting with the NLA editor to loop a walk cycle. I've decided I no longer want use the action strip, how do I release my keyframes back into the timeline without losing them? Thanks!
Nelson's user avatar
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Python - How to rename the imported Action to the FBX filename

I'm aiming to bulk import about 20 - 50 FBX animations, but I'd like to rename them based on the filename they come from. I currently have the following... ...
Jamie Le Rossignol's user avatar
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Help me fix merged actions on export

I have a problem with blender, when I export my actions the poses are getting merged. I have tried to export "all actions" and then "NLA strips" , but I see the same error when I ...
Zenman's user avatar
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Best Practice on animation multiple Actions for a game character

I want to ask, what is the most proper approach for handling rest pose in actions. Do I need to just set the keyframes for ALL of my bones at frame 0 for each Action? Or is there a better way to reset ...
PlanetControl's user avatar
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How do I turn an NLA Material node animation back to keyframes?

I fiddled around with the NLA with an Material node with keyframes in NLA and made then into actions, but now I want to convert it back to keyframes but there's no tutorial (at least none for material ...
BeeAPotato's user avatar
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How to create a fade in action?

I have seen many videos that explain how to fade in an object and the corresponding keyframes are visible in the timeline. However, I have not been able to create an action with these keyframes (...
QuantumCoder's user avatar
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Dope Sheet Action Editor turned orange. I think I've changed a setting somewhere on accident, how can I undo it?

If you open a new blender file and open the Action Editor in the Dope Sheet, it looks like this: Nice and clean, empty, and gray. In this new file, changing the End frame of the Timeline also sets the ...
Juliana Nielson's user avatar
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Can I use One bone to Play an action? Need help for using action modifire

I have a bat model and I made an action that Frame 0 is Bat with open wings and On frame 24 bat is in Resting Mode and Made this with help of all the bones that bat has. Now I want make a seprate bone ...
Mohammad Hossein Kakooei's user avatar
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Blender adds Armature name to Actions name when exporting FBX

When I export an animated FBX with different Actions in it, Blender renames the Actions like this (Armature name 2x before the action name). I tried renaming the Actions directly in the Blender file ...
Rodrigo's user avatar
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How to keyframe custom properties in actions?

I'm using Blender to develop game animations. I have an animation that I want to attach hit boxes too. I then want to set boolean on/off values on keyframes the hit boxes are active and read this in ...
kevzettler's user avatar
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Trouble blending Forward and Left Strafe animations in NLA Action Editor

I'm currently having an issue with blending animations using the NLA Action Editor in Blender. I have a character model with four strafe animations (Running Forward, Running Backward, Strafing Left, ...
Davie10863's user avatar
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Is there an reliable method to control for angles when working with multiple consecutive actions in one scene?

Currently, I am working on an animation where a character walks then turns at a 90 degree angle to the right then moves into the idle animation using a transition. All X,Y,Z rotation start at 0 for ...
Adrian . EXE's user avatar
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Animation copied from the identical object gets messed up

Noob question... I have two animated, identical objects (Object1 and Object2). They are copies of one object, imported as FBX in one Blender file. They have two different animations, one per each ...
dcrow's user avatar
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How to rename an action strip (for appending)

I created an animation in the NLA. Here I renamed the action, but whenever I'm appending the action, this name is not visible anymore. In this example, I renamed the action itself to 'Talking', but ...
Tim Garstman's user avatar
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Applying animation to identical armature with Action Editor does not work

I am trying to apply animation from one mixamo armature to another. They should be identical. I am using the action editor data-block approach as per the first section of this video tutorial: https://...
DrIgnatiusCole's user avatar
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Animating a character with actions from several armatures

I'm looking for your input/experiences/suggestions using armature actions built for one rig on a different rig. I have characters -- and related armature actions -- built from various techniques such ...
james_t's user avatar
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Merging keyframes from separate actions for 2 armatures with API

I'm honestly out of ideas with this one. Basically I have 2 armatures, each one of them has it's own action. In the end I want to still have those 2 armatures separated but only one action to drive ...
yazjack's user avatar
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Problem with action constraint. bones jump to random places and the animation breaks

I have animated multiple bones of this armature, but after applying theaction constraint to the bones, some bones are jumping to different location and rotation as their starting values, some bones ...
rdx___________'s user avatar
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How to "push up" an NLA Strip or Action Clip to Append to a new file

I want to re-link a library character and then re-append some actions from a previous file. However, while I see my desired actions/names in the NLA Editor, I don't see them in the Action Editor ...
james_t's user avatar
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Animations combine by themselves

My animations keep combining with each other for some reason! This problem has persisted with several models and with many versions of Blender. I've made a simple animated model to demonstrate this ...
Jabu-Jabu's user avatar
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Animation on the same two characters

I was trying to create a simple walking animation of a character in NLA. However, due to some unavoidable reason, I have to append walking animation on the same two characters once at a time. The ...
Tanmoy Roy's user avatar
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How can I edit an action so that its bones are pointing upright?

Earlier I attempted to append two actions to this .blend file. The appended "Walk" and "Run" actions weren't animating properly, and the bones had to be rotated along the Y axis ...
MEATTAIL's user avatar
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Why does this action look different after being appended?

I'm trying to import an action from an old project into a new project. When I do so, the animation just doesn't look right. Here's the action in the old project: And here it is in the new project: ...
MEATTAIL's user avatar
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How do I add audio to a single animated action in Blender?

I have animated an action using the action editor, but I want audio to play during that specific action. I could not find any useful tutorials explaining this online, how would I go about this?
Bryan Dean's user avatar

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