Linked Questions

3 votes
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Python: Check if vertex is on camera field of view [duplicate]

Suppose I have the following camera perspective. As you can see some of the Cube vertices are visible from the camera, others are not. Is there a way from python to detect if a certain vertex is in ...
wsfax's user avatar
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3D Mesh Vertex to 2D Pixel Coordinates [duplicate]

I can obtain the coordinate of a mesh vertex with python via wco = mesh.vertices[mesh_vert_idx].co Further, it is possible to convert this coordinate system to ...
Masala's user avatar
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How to get objects and mesh object vertices from camera view with Python in Blender 2.8 [duplicate]

What I want to do I want to change the power of only the light object visible in the camera view. I want to remove vertices to mesh objects in visible in the camera view. Not remove mesh objects, ...
namagon's user avatar
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How can I get a list with the 2D screen coordinates of visible Vertices in 3D view without having to convert 3D to 2D? [duplicate]

The bgl module allows us to obtain various information displayed in 3D Blender view. For example, I made a script that gets the 3D coordinate where the mouse cursor hits a object: ...
Mano-Wii's user avatar
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29 votes
2 answers

3x4 camera matrix from blender camera

In computer vision, the transformation from 3D world coordinates to pixel coordinates is often represented by a 3x4 (3 rows by 4 cols) matrix P as detailed below. Given a camera in Blender, I need ...
rfabbri's user avatar
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6 votes
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Alternative to redraw_timer()

I have a script whose goal is to find all the visible vertices from the camera view. The simplest solution should work as follows: Go Into Camera View Update the view with ...
Axe Per's user avatar
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5 votes
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Perspective Flatten Geometry by Shrinkwrap

I have a 3D scene I need to flatten towards the cammera in order for the geometry to still appear 3D when viewed in a 2D game from the front. I've done this in Maya with the shrinkwrap method and the "...
JoelArt's user avatar
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Mesh silhouette as a polygon or pixels surrounded by the silhouette on the rendered image?

Here is my target application. The rendered image with rendered meshes is used in an interactive application. A user may click or point the cursor to an object on the image. Information related to ...
vvoovv's user avatar
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How to find all image coordinates of rendered object?

I got my object and I need to know all pixels that are displaying this object in my rendered picture. I read about a smiliar question here. update I tried this code from here: ...
blenderNewbie's user avatar
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blender camera from 3x4 matrix

In computer vision, the transformation from 3D world coordinates to pixel coordinates is often represented by a 3x4 (3 rows by 4 cols) matrix P as detailed below. Given P I need code to return a ...
rfabbri's user avatar
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2 votes
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Python: Obtaining Object Contour Pixels

I would like to obtain the pixel coordinates of an object's outline in the currently-rendered scene, using the bpy module. I found this, which is related, but I'm still not sure how to do it. Has ...
Jack Lynch's user avatar
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AttributeError: 'Mesh' object has no attribute 'view_frame'

I am trying to get the pixel coordinates of the object in the rendered image in blender using the How to find image coordinates of the rendered vertex? But I get the error AttributeError: 'Mesh' ...
Surya Tej's user avatar
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Blender scripting: Circle Selectiong in the "3D View"

In Blender2.74, I want to circle-select the vertices in the "3D View", using this: circle_select(x = 300, y = 400, radius = 30). I found this question. So I know ...
reosa's user avatar
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How to project a point from 3D to 2D in blender?

I know how to obtain the 4x4 projection matrix of the camera in Blender, but it seems its format is different from the standard camera projection matrices. I would appreciate it if someone explains ...
Farhad's user avatar
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​List all ​occluded objects from camera

I'm trying to have a list of objects that are occluded from camera view. 'bpy.context.scene.ray_cast()' does not help since it also returns occluded verts/objects. I have visited some other answers ...
greenrod's user avatar

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