Linked Questions

56 votes
5 answers

Why is it important to apply transformation to an objects data?

I've watched several tutorials and very often they applied the location, rotation or scale to the object when they transformed it in Object Mode. They always said it is important, but why?
Codey's user avatar
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Why do the measurements of this object seem erroneous?

I just found out about the Mesh Display : Length feature in the "N" panel (thanks to this seemingly-migratable question) that allows one to measure the length of a face or vertice. But my first ...
MicroMachine's user avatar
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Bevel is not symmetrical

I was trying to model a desk and came across a problem, I can't seem to solve. I wanted to create a simple bevel. I used Mesh > Edges > Bevel on a selected ...
Emi's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Bevel edge rounds more on 1 side than another side [duplicate]

I am trying to bevel a rectangle edge to make rounded edges but when I bevel, I am rounding more of one side compared to the shorter side of the rectangle. How can I bevel the same amount on both ...
AndrewH's user avatar
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Bevel Perfectly Round Corner Irrespective of Face Length [duplicate]

In this screenshot, I have a rectangular-shaped mesh that is taller than it is wide: I am trying to get a perfectly rounded, symmetrical corner using the bevel tool. Using the green cylinder as a ...
Michael Sheaver's user avatar
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Make bevel sharper [duplicate]

I think many have encountered this problem. Usually the bevel becomes round when it is used. Like here, for example However, when you use the bevel on more elongated objects, it becomes oval. How to ...
Razumoska 's user avatar
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How to bevel in proportion? [duplicate]

I have been doing this again and again and searched but cant fix it. I think the bevel is not on the center of the edge How to make better bevel?
Princess Joan Reyes's user avatar
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3 answers

Create cut from the wall exactly 0.3m in

I have a 3d plane as the floor that's an odd shape. I'm trying to create walls in from the side of exactly 0.3m. Attempt 1 Use knife tool. This works but don't know how to set in from the edge exactly....
Mantisimo's user avatar
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1 answer

Bevelling equally in both direction [duplicate]

I have a box that is just a thin slice with different width and length. I want to bevel the edges, but it is applying some kind of asymetry related to the aspect ratio of my box. How can I make a ...
Myoch's user avatar
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2 answers

Can't bevel to a smooth edge [duplicate]

I'm frustrated that I can't bevel an edge. The change is in a larger area than I would like and I can't get a smooth edge. I'm trying to learn Blender having used 3dsmax and maya before, but something ...
Cadu Oliveira's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Bevel not...beveling properly [duplicate]

I'm taking a course and the instructor has beveled an edge and I cannot get the same result. My bevel only bevels on segment on one side then the rest, about 4 or 5 segments bevel on the other side. ...
Herdie27's user avatar
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Why do symmetrically identical edges bevel differently?

I have a symmetrical object, the base of a column, and when I attempt to bevel the four corners of this object, each corner bevels by a different amount. When I rotate the mesh about the z axis, the ...
Rekov's user avatar
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Bevel problem (im new to blender) [duplicate]

I recently got to blender and while trying out the bevel modifier on a cube i couldnt get what i wanted. I am using blender 3.3.1. So i wanted this: But i can only get this: How do i fix it? and ...
user135997's user avatar
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Why can't I set width and depth of a bevel? [duplicate]

I'm new to blender and I've gotten stuck trying to create a lozenge with rounded ends. Once edges are selected, I draw in the bevel but I cannot set the width of the new beveled ends. The bevel ...
Alexander Lieven's user avatar
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Bevel only works in 2 dimensions [duplicate]

I want to bevel 3 cubes. To do that, I following a tutorial. In this tutorial, the author accomplishes the following: I try to do the same, but for me, it doesn't do the same. Instead, it seems to ...
tmighty's user avatar
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