Linked Questions

34 votes
1 answer

How do texture coordinates work?

How exactly to texture coordinates work? I know they are represented by vectors, but how does a vector store texture mapping information? How does each type of texture coordinates work and what are ...
PGmath's user avatar
  • 25.1k
28 votes
1 answer

Control a property with no socket (color ramp swatch, etc) from a Group Node input?

Sometimes I create Material Groups to be used as appendable reusable assets. Unfortunately sometimes parameters I want to control using a Group Node's slider are not available for routing to a Group ...
Mentalist's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

How do I create metal materials in Cycles?

I'm trying to make a gun for an alien space ship and I need to know how to create a dark gray metal look. I have tried mixing a Diffuse and Glossy BSDF, but it isn't quite what I am looking for. I ...
Owen Patterson's user avatar
19 votes
1 answer

Correct way to render crepuscular rays in cycles?

While trying to use the new cycles volumetric rending features to create crepuscular rays (with the intention of updating my answer here), I have found this to be a little trickier than I anticipated. ...
gandalf3's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

How can I bypass a node?

Sometimes when working with nodes it is useful to see what my setup looks like without a certain node. I know I can delete a node without breaking the chain with Ctrl+X and then undo with Ctrl+Z, but ...
PGmath's user avatar
  • 25.1k
4 votes
1 answer

Holographic lighting in Cycles

Is it possible to create a holographic lighting in cycles? This is possible In the Blender Internal render engine, but I'm not going for linking lamps. Here is what I mean (the light that is holding ...
Vladimir's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Project light through shape, text or symbol to appear in cloud or mist

Think of the Batman symbol, but reversed, i.e., the symbol would be brighter than the clouds. How would one project light through a "stencil" (of any symbol/text) on clouds/fog/mist/or solid wall and ...
NeverGiveUp's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

How to blend rays with hologram seamlessly

OK before this question gets marked as a duplicate of How to create a hologram projection with light rays? I would like to say that my question is different in that I am trying to get the rays to look ...
lakerice's user avatar
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0 votes
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Is there a way to make each icon in this render a hologram?

I made this texture out of an image of icons with transparency, and I was wondering if there is a way to have all the icons on the outer sphere point to the inner sphere with little hologram stems? I'...
lakerice's user avatar
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