Linked Questions

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How can I scale a texture in relation to a plane's dimensions? [duplicate]

Might be a basic question, but I can't seem to figure out how to scale a texture based on the dimensions of a plane mesh. My goal is to make a checkerboard plane as the ground, where every square is ...
Yagor Balotsin's user avatar
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why are all textures for all objects the same?

Beginner texture question: I thought, if i took object coordinates, the noise textures etc. would have different values so that the material doesn't look the same. Unfortunately they look the same. So ...
Chris's user avatar
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Adjusting mesh without destroying texture [closed]

I often find that after modelling and texturing, I need to make more adjustments to the model. This forces me to change the UV map, thus meaning my previous texturing becomes redundant. What ...
Gunty's user avatar
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Texturing a house

I'm new to Blender and texturing my models. I was wondering when I'm texturing something big like a house, do I need to UV unwrap every object of the house and texture every object separately (if so ...
peled's user avatar
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Real world texturing or mapping size/scale

Real world texturing or mapping size/scale in Blender v3.x without physically modelling the objects for architectural rendering? For example, brick, timber board, roof tile, flooring etc. If I wanted ...
breathee's user avatar
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Is there a W axis in UV space?

Lately I found out that apparently there is a W axis in UV-space, which acts just like the Z axis in e.g. global space. Is that true? And if it is the case are there any applications of the W axis ...
tempdev nova's user avatar
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How to keep texture size whatever the size of the object? [duplicate]

First post here. I want to create characters made of different meshes. Those objects will have different material (color, specular…) but I want them to have the same texture, like a plastic grain. So ...
Art Grootfontein's user avatar
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Texturing objects with tiled textures [duplicate]

I am attempting to texture an object with a repeating texture which is intended to be 1m x 1m in physical dimensions. So for an object 30m x 20m, the texture will repeat 30 times in the longer ...
Violet Kurtz's user avatar
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How best use a texture image to a large/long object

Firstly from what I have seen Blender can only work with images which are square eg 512X512 or 1024 X 1024 etc. Is that correct? I am creating objects for MSFS and my first project consists of large/...
John Arnold's user avatar
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Prevent texture from scaling [duplicate]

I've got a plane with its Base Color set to a texture (let it be 100x100 pixels). When I scale this plane the texture gets scaled too, which is not what I want. How do I make Blender not to scale this ...
akond's user avatar
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Simple buildings [duplicate]

I need to create simple buildings. Just pieces comprised of basic shapes, but I really do not want to UV unwrap and apply textures individually. What's the best way to go about this? I'm decent at ...
Latcie's user avatar
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Is there a way of applying tile based textures to individual faces?

Most of the textures I make for environments will be like tilesets. That is, 1 face = 1 "tile" of a texture. Is there any quick way of applying tiles to faces?
Kiiryu's user avatar
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how to Unstretch Material on Object on 2.8? [duplicate]

I am trying to make a city with lights on windows. Here is what I have done so far: I have my city and my material for the window lights, but as you can see the tower in the back has the texture ...
user94487's user avatar
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how to modify / customize a coloramp?

New to blender, coming from engineering discipline and want to learn more about rendering CFD/model results in Blender. Right now I'm struggling with generating a coloramp for a 3d surface. What I've ...
Derek Eden's user avatar
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Texture stretches and grows instead of repeating in Blender 2.8 [duplicate]

I created a plane with a ground texture that has a displacement map to simulate the depth for the rocks and I made it slightly uneven with a cloud displacement modifier. Now, I want to make this ...
Charles Pettis's user avatar

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