Linked Questions

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1 answer

Why are transparent colours desaturated when exported? [duplicate]

Sorry if this is weirdly worded but when I render something with transparency using Eevee the colours are weirdly desaturated, sometimes fully greyscale, but only when exported and not in the render ...
Asht Mslf's user avatar
12 votes
4 answers

How do I get the Glare node to output transparent instead of Black background

This is what I have so far: The rendered image has a transparent background, but the glare filter creates an output with a black background, so after merging the two togheter, the background turns ...
tacofisher's user avatar
10 votes
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How to remove black color and use as transparent

I have image which as black background and i want to remove the black background and use the image as transparent only color smoke. Image
atek's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

transparent background for volumetric smoke? Bug?

I'm trying to use transparent background in a simple smoke simulation. As soon as I check transparent, in the film settings (cycle), the image loose the color (it is indeed transparent but black). ...
diramazioni's user avatar
1 vote
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how to set white or black background of textures transparent

I have a muzzle flash texture I want to use for my game. But they all have black or white background. It doesn't look natural on shooting and I want to remove the background. This is the texture I ...
Innocent Baraka's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Transparent Image different in viewport than render

Bit of an issue here, trying to render this glass scene Looks fine in the viewport, but when I hit render Does anyone know the cause of different view port and final render, and how to fix it? Here'...
QFSW's user avatar
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Composite blur effect cut off at edges with transparent background

I know several questions have been asked regarding a problem with glow effects not showing up with transparent backgrounds, but I have a slightly different issue. For me, the glow effect does show up, ...
Jace Cotton's user avatar
2 votes
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Blender cycles glow on transparent background

I am trying to make an image similar to this one: But with this model: (removed link so I could post link to blend file) However, I would like it to have a ...
aspirino67's user avatar
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Bloom effect with a transparent background?

I'm trying to use this render as an overlay on an image in Photoshop. I tested blend modes in photoshop, but didn't get the result I was looking for. When I set the alpha to transparency in the scene ...
altheconda's user avatar
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Rendering with a Luminous Outline on Transparent Background

I am trying to achieve such effect on transparent background: What I currently have: Is it possible to get something like this rendered in blender? Or should I use Gimp to manually add my outline?
Sheim's user avatar
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Reflections on glass over transparent background disappear in the final render

Ok, so I have this problem, in the first image you have the "final" render, here the glass from the windows doesn´t reflect the light that comes from behind the camera, something that you can see ...
Santiago Steib's user avatar
3 votes
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Glare and transparency [duplicate]

So I did add Glare in Compositing mode and when I render, it works as it should. But when I try to render it with transparent background, it's not working. Why?
Ant's user avatar
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Blender result different from png rendered [duplicate]

The actual rendered png shows nothing at this pixel(white circle), because alpha is 0. But Render result window still has some color visible(white circle).You can see its alpha value as well in this ...
Wow's user avatar
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Transparent emissive objects glow effect not visible in rendered output files [duplicate]

I have a problem with transparent emissive objects in render, they are not visible in rendered output files. Eevee or Cycles doesn't matter, I always get the same result. What am I missing? Maybe ...
RusDark's user avatar
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Blender Rendered viewport is different from the rendered image in Cycles

I have this scene: It's basically a bunch of particles that have an emission shader. The camera is using depth of field and gives this results using the rendered viewport: But When I render the ...
Fabrizio's user avatar
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