Linked Questions

0 votes
2 answers

get the line of sight vector with nodes

I would like to make a material that displays the line of sight vector using the RGB channels : for example, here, let's say i am looking from the camera, the line of sight vector would be : →E(X=0; Y=...
alexth 91's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Driver variable not updating

This is probably a dumb question, but I can't see what I'm doing wrong. I want to animate a material (actually the y offset of a procedural texture) according to the value of a shape key that's ...
Dan Bennett's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Capture object properties to use in a Cycles material

I made a simple material that uses the 'object info' location to drive the color of the object. But when i animate my object now it, obviously, changes color while the objects moves through space. ...
Lefthandmedia's user avatar
19 votes
1 answer

How is the vector transform node used?

The Vector Transform node has been a bit of a mystery to me. I would presume it would be useful more for procedural textures, but I have no idea how it should be used, or where it might be most ...
Timaroberts's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

Correct vector input to map texture light in Cycles

What is the correct vector input for a texture connected to a Cycles lamp so that I can make a projector-like textured light? I am trying to make an projector-like effect with a textured light in ...
Duarte Farrajota Ramos's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

I want to mix Cycles shaders based on self shadow

I have a sphere (world) that I want to reveal the night lights on. I can use a normal node and manually rotate the DOT product, then I use this as a factor mix between Day time shader and Night time ...
3pointedit's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Link one object's property to another object's different property

New to Blender and just can't find a way to do this after a few days of googling. Any help much appreciated! Is it possible to link the value of one object's animation Channel (for example the X-...
baroquedub's user avatar
17 votes
4 answers

Can I refer to another object's properties from a Cycles node shader? Drivers? If so, how?

I am trying to develop several shaders that need to take into account the position or orientation of another object in my scene. Seems like a generally useful thing to be able to do. Here's an ...
Chuck's user avatar
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Setting material node properties across a large number of objects?

I'm using a Python script to generate a star-field using data from ~9k of the brightest stars (data is taken from here) Spheres are generated equidistant from the camera (eventually these will be ...
nfojunky's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Cycles pynode which outputs object's properties

I want to create a custom pynode that reads the object properties (position, rotation, scale ...) of the current object on what the material with the custom pynode is applied to and use these values ...
p2or's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Relative reference to object property in material driver?

Is it possible to get a value such as the dimensions (object.dimensions) of an object in the material node editor, without referencing a specific object? In other ...
gandalf3's user avatar
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