Linked Questions

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How to render a scene with Cycles render and blender internal [duplicate]

My problem is that I have made a in Blender render a plane with grass texture and I have made some rocks in a separate blender file with Cycles render. The problem is that when I do BR then it renders ...
Puljuke's user avatar
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Is it possible to use both Blender Render and Cycles in one render? [duplicate]

If I wanted to use cycles for a (example) floor and blender render for a (example) humanoid figure, how would I go about doing it? Is there a non complicated way to combine both cycles and blender ...
iPhynx's user avatar
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Can Blender render pngs with the background transparent?

I would like to render an animation as a series of .png images with transparent backgrounds for use in a video. Is this possible?
A Wild RolandiXor Has Appeared's user avatar
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How can I move an object on a separate layer behind another in the compositor?

How can I make the light bar, after compositing (applying the blur effect on it), be displayed behind the ball, not in front of it?
Jikk's user avatar
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Composite transparent overlapping objects from different scenes?

Following on from this question `Can I use Cycles materials with Blender Internal? When following the instructions the solution worked fine but when i tried to apply it to multiple windows I came ...
Lindsey's user avatar
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Blender cycles won't render halo particles [duplicate]

I am an inexperienced user of blender, and created a scene of a manikin using blender 2.69 and rendered it using cycles to produce a .png image which I was very happy with. I wanted to progress ...
Martin Clifford's user avatar
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Texture Disappeared in Cycles Render

When I selected the Blender Render, there is no problem with the texture. When I change the render engine to Cycles Render, all the textures are gone. I already unwrapped the mesh and mapped the ...
Joshua LI's user avatar
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Appended layer not rendering any objects

I'm something of a noob to blender. I appended a model of an engine to the 2nd layer of my project, and for some reason, no objects from this model show up when I render. If I add a cube to the 2nd ...
Brandon Slaght's user avatar
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Render Conversion (Cycles to Blender Render)

BIG EDIT: I have solved this. I just disabled the texture from Cycles and I am manually adding the correct ones. I have a Blender project I am working on for Christmas, and I had to rig many ...
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Switching from Blender Render to Cycles Render messes up materials

I'm trying to make a 360 degrees animation film for YouTube. I have to use Cycles Render because of the panoramic camera. I modeled everything and then noticed I was in Blender Render mode. When I ...
Alex  Pilkevych's user avatar
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Making a scene, using Blender render but want to add tree's that are done in cycles

I Making a scene, have already put a lot of work into it. Little town, with model T car's and misty mountains, using a lot of lamps. I wanted to add tree's to the scene and learned how to do them in ...
user39927's user avatar
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Result not visible when using Blender Render

I have such object (based on this tutorial): When I use Cycles Render I see correct result as expected: But when I switch to Blender Render I see gray screen: Does anybody know what is going on ...
Vlad Papko's user avatar
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Material wont appear in blender render but it does in blender cycles

I can make my material apear in Blender Render, but it does appear in Blender Cycles. And im trying to make to make it appear in blender render so i can Bake it whit Full Render , just to have all the ...
J.Garcia's user avatar
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Why is my model pink? [duplicate]

I have a model which was in cycles. When I shifted it to Blender Render it became pink. When I render it the color is fine but in object mode and edit mode it is pink. Someone help. It has no textures ...
Help's user avatar
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How can I change an objects settings to render correctly when using the blender renderer

I am sorry if this turns out to be a really basic answer. I have tried google searching the problem, as well as search through the first 3 pages of results here, but no dice. Here is the situation, ...
Hoopla70's user avatar