Linked Questions

0 votes
1 answer

How to add a Isocam in blender scene? [duplicate]

I wanted to add a Isocam into my scene so I searched for it online and what I found out is here: But It says ...
Priyanshu's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Blender 2.8 - Pro Lighting Sky and Studio - [duplicate]

how do I install Pro Lighting Sky and Studio in Blender 2.8?
Alex Reksius's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How to install a Blender Plugin? [duplicate]

Trying to install the CATS plugin ( I extracted it and it was a bunch of confusing files, no .exe files in sight. I downloaded this as a zip. ...
Willis_Fam's user avatar
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1 answer

Addon for Particle System [duplicate]

Trying to use 'GRASS FREE' from . But i don't know where to put the python file, I have tried many but it's not working... I am on mac!
zyroz's user avatar
  • 61
2 votes
1 answer

How to install BoolTool on a Mac? [duplicate]

How can I install the BoolTool? The instructions lead me to this Github site but don't tell me whether to use "BoolTool 0.1.rar - BoolTool 0.2 release" or "BoolTool 0.2 rar - BoolTool 0.2" (and those ...
Aubrie's user avatar
  • 707
2 votes
1 answer

blender cannot see three.js addon [duplicate]

i want to use blender models in three.js. To import blender models to 3.js we have to use blender exporter addon so i follow a tutorial and do every step correctly .i have included folder inside ...
Fast Snail's user avatar
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How can I install a script into blender? [duplicate]

I want to install this extension to my blender to get materials to save from blender render to cycles render. Anyways when I clicked on the installation link this is what appeared(picture). How do I ...
Mike's user avatar
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How do I install a python script in OS X 10.6.8? [duplicate]

I've seen scripts I'd like to use, but I'm unfamiliar with making system files like the .blend file visible in OS X and then editing them. So, is there an easy way to install them manually? Even ...
Thom Blair III's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

How to Install Three.js Exporter in Blender 2.72b [duplicate]

Does anyone know how to add on the Three.js File exporter in blender 2.72b I can not for the life of me get it installed. ~Thanks.
Mark Ivanowski's user avatar
106 votes
7 answers

Precisely move the 3D cursor

The 3D cursor can be moved by simply LMB clicking anywhere in the viewport. Is there a faster and easier way to position the 3D cursor?
David's user avatar
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31 votes
3 answers

Is there a way to restart a modified addon?

I'm currently twiddling with an old addon and insert some print statements for debugging. Currently I'm restarting Blender each time to see the new messages. Is there a way to 'refresh' an already ...
stacker's user avatar
  • 38.9k
32 votes
1 answer

Can blender export 2D curves to svg?

Is it possible to convert/export 2D curves to an svg? I know you could render it to a raster image and then convert it with inkscape/potrace, but it would be nice ...
gandalf3's user avatar
  • 158k
15 votes
3 answers

How to make the file manager default to sorting by modification date?

I often want to find files which I've modified recently, so I'd like to set the file manager to sort by modification date automatically. Is this possible?
gandalf3's user avatar
  • 158k
8 votes
4 answers

Blur video track in Video Editor?

How do I blur a video track in video editor? I want to animate a video track from sharp to blurred. I already solved the problem in an inelegant way (by blurring the source video track in VirtualDub ...
TimSim's user avatar
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17 votes
1 answer

Addons: Only some .zips will install

Why is it that if I go to install an add-on from User Preferences > Add-ons > Install from File... and choose a *.ZIP, some add-ons will install, while others will return me to the User Preferences ...
Shawn Altorio's user avatar

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