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Imitating Cycles renders with Eevee?

Seeing as how cycles renders are really taxing and causes really high CPU temps. Is there away to fake or imitate cycles renders with eevee? what i mean is. Are there ways to get eevee to look just as ...
Mingo's user avatar
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Can someone please explain why eevee? [duplicate]

I'm still confused as to why there is yet another rendering engine packed into blender. I thought cycles was pretty good, what does eevee do better?
AskingRandomQuestions's user avatar
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Eevee vs Cycle Transparent Render Problem

I been trying to figure out how to get the model I've been modeling to render in Cycle. I followed a tutorial and it was made for Eevee as you can see from the screenshot. It looks great but as soon ...
Joe's user avatar
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I am setting up three point light system and looks like noise is glitched

Currently when I change back to Cycles engine it looks fine but in EEVEE engine it shows up like this
GeneralCookie's user avatar
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Why is my material changing in cycles?

On the robe it changes in cycles. why? its just a normal image texture. I Don't understand why it is different. I was having some issues with the displacement on the ground but i fixed it but the ...
Ricky Bascom's user avatar

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