I have a player (sphere) with Dynamic Physics and can move around with W, A, S, D. The space bar can make it jump. I have a Sensor, keyboard, that detects the spacebar press. I have two Actuators, one is a Simple Motion, and the other is a Constraint. The simple motion has a Linear Velocity Z value of .5
, With the L
and AD
checked. The constraint is a Location constraint, and it's supposed to limt the height of the player jumping. It's along the Z axis, and has a min of 0
and max of .5
. Damping is 13.
Whenever the space bar is pressed, the player jumps and continues to go up, ignoring the limit. Once the space bar is released, it gets some sort of boost and flies higher up and faster.
What do I need to fix in order to get an efficient jump mechanism? Or is there a better way to do this? I would like to be able to change the jump speed and height.