I'm doing a scene with a room with a table. On the table I have some wine glasses, but I get this strange light from some of them. The glass to the left looks OK, but the other are not OK. It seems like they are affected by the floor texture!? Or what could be wrong?
I'm almost certain I didn't have this problem when I made the first test render. Then I just tested to see how the wine glasses was effected when I activated the Reflective Caustics and Refractive Caustics, then they got this strange light, but despite that I have unchecked the both Caustics options in the render tab, I still have this light and I don't know how to get rid of it? Any ideas someone?
The wine glasses har not solid. I have used a solidify modifier for the upper part of the glass, while the lower part is more solid. I'm only using the Glass BSDF node.