I have a 3D tea cup model that I've loaded into Blender v2.78 and I'm trying to access its 2D texture so I can play around with the texture and make some changes to it.
So I had a similar question to this one and I'm struggling to follow the accepted answer because of what I'm seeing in Blender.
When I open that BLEND file in Blender I see:
I've confirmed that the top window is the UV Editor. When I click on the "Icon with a photo" (which is instruction #3 in the accepted answer to that other question, I'm trying to "search for textures", but as you can see it will only allow me to choose View, Paint or Mask:
All I'm trying to do is to extract out the texture to this tea cup, any ideas what my next step should be?
I selected UV Editing layout and see this:
So the options I'm seeing are:
- Render Results
- Viewer Node
- Alexs_Apt_8k.jpg
- wooden_fence_texture.jpg
None of these seem applicable to my tea cup!!! Again, I'm just trying to get the 2D texture image of the tea cup model that I see in the Camera Persp screen below the UV Editing window.