I'm new to Blender and 3d in general. Downloaded 2.78c 2 days ago. Using ubuntu 14.04. Invoke blender from file browser.
I was following tutorial for noobs when I selected Create->Plane. Now every time I click the left mouse button, I get an instance of Plane. I've tried Create->Cube and Sphere, which work but don't 'cleanse the pallet'; I still get instances of Plane with each left click. I can see them accumulate in the Scene panel, where I also delete them. They seem hard to select directly in the viewer. Sometimes after a while I can't select anything in the viewer. Did I accidentally turn something on/off?
It seems like it started after I set UserPreference for SelectWith Left mouse button. I had problems , so I switched back to Right click.
Also I can't get OperatorCheatSheet to display anything. Bad Configuration?
thenMouse over
and look if only is "Plane" (okyou have another problem). Or "Plane Left Click" (have a shortcut), Then you need to goUser preferences
then use theRestore
button or use and search for plane and you will be able to change or delete the shortcuts for plane. $\endgroup$