I tried to find out what armature.bones.head and -.head_local stand for. So I first get the values of them first from upperArm.R
C.object.data.bones['upperArm.R'].head Vector((-0.14598365128040314, -0.014478057622909546, -0.002403122605755925))
C.object.data.bones['upperArm.R'].head_local Vector((-0.1459999978542328, 0.0010000000474974513, 0.43689292669296265))
I open the property panel, the head position is -0.146,0.001,0.437 which is the same as the head_local.
All right. But when I click the Z property, the infor window showed that bpy.context.object.data.head[2] = 0.437
So who tell the truth? 0.437 comes from head or head_local. Two part show two different answers. Can anyone help in this?