I've been using Blender for a few months now and I am not entirely sure I am taking full advantage of my two GPUs.
I have MacOS Sierra, Windows 10, and Ubuntu installed on my machine all with the latest CUDA Drivers, and 2 GeForce 1050 ti SC 4gb GPUs installed.
Rendering times compared to my 15'MBP i7 CPU are obviously better but I am wondering if there is something missing. The smoothest and fastest experience with almost no crashes on Blender 2.78c is surprisingly in MacOS Sierra.
I've got both GPUs selected in Blender > UserPreferences > System and with most scenes I stick to 256 x 256 in performance. I also noticed that Blender Cycles renders one tile at a time, and I was under the impression that with 2 GPUs, 2 tiles would be rendered at a time.
Then again I think this might be due to the system seeing the GPUs as one unit. I should mention that iStat software reads both GPU processors being used just fine, but I thought I should ask anyway.
Any advice or hints that you can recommend are greatly appreciated, thanks for listening.