I wish to include the libSBML library in one of my Blender addons. Although I was able to successfully do this on Linux, I'm having problems getting it to load in Blender's python console in my Windows box. I wrote the libSBML developers about this, and they replayed:
When I looked at Blender it seemed to be using Python 3.3.0. (Which is unfortunately the only python binaries we do not currently distribute). So I went ahead and created a set of binaries for the 'official' python 3.3. Looking at the dependencies, it depends on python33.dll and python3.dll. However, Blender only comes along with the python33.dll.
the best thing to do would be to be able to link directly against the library that Blender uses, unfortunately there are no lib files distributed with Blender. So I'm afraid I cannot help there. It would help to know how precisely they built the numpy module they distribute and then use the same build procedure for libSBML.
My specific questions would then be:
- Is it possible to either get python3.dll from the official python distribution and use it with Blender, or
- if there is a set of lib's that Blender uses that I could compile my own version of libsbml against so that I can include it in my addon.
- Alternatively, what are the set of steps that one needs to follow to compile a library against Blender python's libs and dlls in Windows (for example, like the cited mail states, how was Blender's numpy compiled).