I created simple model with Subdivision Surface modifier and I also added some bones to animate it. Now I need apply the modifier in order to have fully prepared model, but I encountered a problem with animation: before I apply the modifier, the model is animated correctly, i.e. polygons which are near end of animated area are animated fluently, but if apply the modifier and then animate, these parts are transformed exactly as the rest of animated area, which creates ugly glitches. Clearly I need to add some "weight" to vertexes at the end of the area (less then one).
So, my question is: how can I do it automatically during application of the modifier?
For better description, see the image bellow:
Top right: original model.
Top left: model with Subdivision Surface modifier.
Bottom left: correctly transformed model (this is how it looks like and animates if I don't apply the modifier in Blender).
Bottom right: glitched model (this is how it looks like when I apply the modifier and then animate; note: at the same time this is how it looks like when I switch order of modifiers, which is what I would expect).
- OS: Windows 7
- Blender version: 2.70
- Why I need to apply the modifier: it shouldn't matter why, but because there are people who will try convince me that I don't need that, here you are: I want to animate the model in Unity 3D which animates the model badly - it first applies the modifier and then the animation is glitched. I want the model to be animated in it correctly.
- Yes, the model is from a tutorial, not my original work (but I created it).
Edit: requested weights:
Description (from top to bottom):
- Model without applied modifier.
- Applied modifier.
- Applied modifier and rotated with given bone.