This question is just a stackoverflow copy since I've just figured a specific Blender Stack Exchange was existing ! Thanks for your help.
Am I crazy or is there some bug with this feature (using python script with blender running in background) ?
1/ Copy / paste the following code (from inside Blender (switch to Scripting view) and it will take a screenshot but ...
2/ Call this script from command line : (so you can automatize screenshots while you're modifying the scene with your script(s) ... for your blog, a tutorial, etc.)
blender --background --python
And it will crash without giving informations about what is "incorrect" in the context :
import os, sys
#FIXME: Blender creates screenshot using python but not when running in background
# Same result from Ubuntu stock version (2.76) and from ppa (2.78)
# Within Blender : unable to fix this last warning but screenshot is generated !
#Traceback (most recent call last):
# File "/usr/share/blender/2.78/scripts/startup/bl_ui/", line 32, in draw
# text = st.text
#AttributeError: 'SpaceView3D' object has no attribute 'text'
# From command line (crash) : blender --background --python
# Unable to determine what's wrong in the context
#Traceback (most recent call last):
#File "/usr/share/blender/2.78/scripts/modules/bpy/", line 187, in __call__
# ret = op_call(self.idname_py(), C_dict, kw, C_exec, C_undo)
#RuntimeError: Operator bpy.ops.screen.screenshot.poll() failed, context is incorrect
def screenshot(P_filename, P_path = None):
import bpy
L_saveAs = P_filename
L_saveAs = os.path.join(P_path, L_saveAs) if P_path else os.path.join("/tmp", L_saveAs)
print("Scene saved in " + L_saveAs)
#XXX: switching to 3D full view = maximize scene in main window
#bpy.context.window.screen =['3D View Full']
for window in
screen = window.screen
print("Window : " + str(window.width) + "x" + str(window.height) + ":" + str(window.x) + "," + str(window.y))
print("Screen : " + str( + ", Scene : " + str(
#for area in bpy.context.screen.areas:
for area in screen.areas:
print("Area : " + str(area.type))
if area.type == 'VIEW_3D':
for space in area.spaces:
print("Space : " + str(space.type))
if space.type == 'VIEW_3D':
#space.viewport_shade = 'RENDERED'
for region in area.regions:
print("Region : " + str(region.type))
if region.type == 'WINDOW':
L_altBpyCtx = { # defining alternative context (allowing modifications without altering real one)
'area' : area # our 3D View (first found)
, 'blend_data': bpy.context.blend_data # just to suppress PyContext warning, doesn't seem to have any effect
#, 'edit_text' : bpy.context.edit_text # just to suppress PyContext warning, doesn't seem to have any effect
, 'region' : None # just to suppress PyContext warning, doesn't seem to have any effect
#, 'scene' : bpy.context.scene
, 'scene' : screen.scene
, 'space' : space
, 'screen' : window.screen
#, 'window' : bpy.context.window # current window, could also copy context
, 'window' : window # current window, could also copy context
bpy.ops.screen.screenshot(L_altBpyCtx, filepath = L_saveAs, full = False)
break #XXX: limit to the window of the 3D View
break #XXX: limit to the corresponding space (3D View)
break #XXX: limit to the first 3D View (area)
screenshot("screenshot.png", ".")
3/ By the way, call it without the --background
argument and it will generate an empty screenshot (size of your window, full of default color, gray in my case). In the meantime, uncomment
#bpy.context.window.screen =['3D View Full']
#space.viewport_shade = 'RENDERED'
And you'll see your Blender interface being affected (switching layout of your views from 'Default' to '3D Full View' and/or your viewport shading from 'Solid', by default, to 'Rendered') ... so the script is actually interpreted but it does not generate the screenshot !
No matter what, the problem seems coming from calling Blender with "--python" directly from the command line
I'm probably missing something ?! Thanks for your help