
I'm using version 2.78c and I just noticed I 'lost' the backface culling setting (I haven't used it in a little while). I can't post a screenshot of the shading area in the properties panel (blender render mode only), but the only check boxes available are:

  1. Textures
  2. Shadows
  3. Subsurface scattering
  4. Environment map
  5. Ray tracing
  6. World space shading (which is unchecked by default).

There's also a drop-down for alpha, which I'm leaving at the default.

Every entry brought up in Google says 'Turn in on the in the shading area' - but it's not there and I can't find anything in user preferences that might control it's availability. Where has it moved to? I need to be able to check normals, and tasks like that.

Thanks in advance, Frank Alviani


1 Answer 1


Press N key while in 3D View port (hover mouse there) and you will find Shading tab close to the bottom of this panel, which will show on the right side of the view port.

enter image description here


Honestly I didn't ever paid attention that both of them panels are called 'Properties'.

The one you are looking for is here (from your screenshot):


  • $\begingroup$ The shading panel no longer looks like that in 2.78. :( As I mentioned above, neither backface culling nor ambient occlusion is an option. The options I have available are listed in the original post. That's why I posted - and I can't find any mention anywhere of when the panel changed. Thanks, though. $\endgroup$ Commented Jul 3, 2017 at 17:34
  • $\begingroup$ @FrankAlviani This is from 2.78c. Blender Render. $\endgroup$
    – cgslav
    Commented Jul 3, 2017 at 17:50
  • $\begingroup$ @FrankAlviani also I've upvoted your question so you can add screen shot now. $\endgroup$
    – cgslav
    Commented Jul 3, 2017 at 17:52
  • $\begingroup$ OK, I saved a screenshot to share: !shading - I hope this makes it easier to understand. The changelogs don't say anything about this change... $\endgroup$ Commented Jul 3, 2017 at 22:41
  • $\begingroup$ I messed up the link - here's another one that hopefully helps: !Imgur - thanks for your patience. $\endgroup$ Commented Jul 3, 2017 at 22:53

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