I am using a renderlayer with some vertex colors to render some masks. I have an object with a vertex color layer. The entire object is set to RGB values of .25 each (using set vertex colors command.)
The vertex colors are used in a material via an Attribute node. The Fac socket of the attribute node is connected to an emission shader. This is rendered on it's own layer using a material override. In the compositor, the Emission output of the renderlayer node is connected to a viewer node.
The problem is that after rendering, when I look at the image in the Image/UV editor and click to view the individual pixel values, it says my R, G, and B are .05098 each, not .25! The CM R, G, and B are .2503, and the HSV value is .25
What's going on? I need to use this mask into a math node and get a proper .25 for the math to work correctly.