Here is my issue : I would like to add a unique Int property on an object.
This property needs to be unique even when duplicated. So according to Duplicating object and default value of property and I did this :
# Getter for anchor duplicate
def get_global_index(self):
# print("getting value")
done = False
# get current index
index = self.global_index #Recursive ?!
# chek if already used (in case of a duplicate) and try a new one while necessary
while not done:
anchors = [obj for obj in bpy.context.scene.objects if obj.type == 'EMPTY' and obj.empty_draw_type == 'PLAIN_AXES']
# already referenced
if any(obj.global_index == self.global_index for obj in anchors):
# found to try another index
print("Trying another index")
index = context.scene.global_index
done = True
print("FOUND index")
return index
def register():
bpy.types.Object.list_index = bpy.props.IntProperty(name = "Index for my_list", default = 0)
#Each anchor needs a unique index
bpy.types.Scene.global_index = bpy.props.IntProperty(name = "Global index for Anchors", default = 0)
#So use scene index to store the increment
bpy.types.Object.global_index = bpy.props.IntProperty(name = "Object index for Anchors", default = 0, get=get_global_index)
BUT, The getter seems to loop infinitely and I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. I just want the getter to check in the current objects of the specified king to check if the index is not already used (when Duplicated) because I need to have each one of them having a unique index.
Thanks !
you haveif any(obj.global_index == self.global_index for obj in anchors):
Note thatobj.global_index
uses the getter, hence the infinite recursion. $\endgroup$