I am trying to render a scene involving 128 or more rockets which each have their own smoke domain. To achieve the quality i want, any of the smoke domains take considerable time to bake, and the externally saved smoke caches takes up noteworthy disk space, and furthermore all the different smoke simulations look as good as identical.
Therefor i would rather not bake and save each every 128 smoke domains individually, instead i would rather bake a limited number of smoke caches (for instance 16) and use these smoke caches in multiple of the smoke domains (which all have the same mesh).
Simply setting the same external file path, index number and frame range for the different domains under the Smoke Cache tab (in the properties panel), does however not seem to make different smoke domains able to use each others smoke cache.
My question is therefor: is there any thinkable way to make multiple smoke domains use the same smoke cache (and thus have identical smoke – linking the smoke simulations so to say) provided that the smoke domains have exactly the same mesh? And if this is possiple, how can it be done?