These questions are about the addon that I'm creating. Please excuse the bad/messy example code, I've been following the "get it working first, then optimize" philosophy.
Issue 1 (dynamic memory allocation):
For my addon, I have defined several custom primitive datatypes (they are all classes derived from bpy.types.PropertyGroup). I want to allow users to add as many of these as they like, so the amount of storage space or data items I will need is unknown (it will be determined at runtime by how many items the user adds).
The only way I know to get blender to manage an unknown number of objects is to create a CollectionProperty (or list) of that object and to call .add()
on it, so that new items are added as needed and stored to disk (serialized) by Blender.
Question: Are there better, alternative methods for doing this with the Blender Python API? In C++, I can create a single vector or array of memory addresses/pointers (those pointers pointing to different data types if desired), and then use malloc to request a new empty block of memory to store whatever I want inside, for instance...
Issue 2 (combined list output/pointers):
I want to display multiple types of data in a single unified list in Blender's interface. Every Panel has a UILayout attribute that allows you to define a custom interface layout. If you want to add a list to your panel, you have to use the template_list() function, and you need to supply it with a single CollectionProperty (which is a list of your items).
Because (as stated above) my addon stores user data in multiple lists (one per type of data), I can't directly pass template_list
a single list that holds all of my data. To get around this, I have tried to construct a combined list where each item contains a reference to items from the other lists.
In the interface, users add primitive slots with +
buttons (which adds a pointer item called VEFListItem
), then fill the slot with a primitive by clicking on a primitive button directly below the list.
The problem in the code below happens in my AddPoint
operator, which attempts to assign a new point primitive to one of the list slots. This doesn't work because VEFListItem
has an attribute called data
(which is intended to point to an item in one of the primitive lists) that is not a descendent of bpy_struct
I have also tried making data a bpy.props.PointerProperty()
, but in order to do that it seems that I need to specify beforehand what type of data it will be pointing to, and of course I don't know since that is determined at runtime by the user.
Question: Does the Blender API allow me to point to data without first specifying that data's type? Are there alternative approaches here? I know that with this approach, there is the potential problem of stale data with a combined list (which I attempted to get around by reconstructing the list every time a new primitive item is added).
Sample code:
# I will eventually be using these modules
import bpy, bmesh, math, mathutils
# Required addon info (needed to list in the addons panel in user prefs)
# Expand later with remaining entries
bl_info = { "name": "VEF Tools Alpha",
"description": "Enables arbitrary, precise transformations on mesh elements while modeling",
"author": "XXXX XXXXXX",
"version": "0, 1",
"blender": "2, 68, 0",
"location": "Properties > Scene > VEF Tools",
"warning": "Unstable, use at your own risk",
"category": "Mesh" }
# empty line
# //////////////////////////////
# SECTION: Basic data structures
# Point primitive
class VEFPoint( bpy.types.PropertyGroup ):
name = bpy.props.StringProperty() # user defined object name
# coords for this point/vert
x = bpy.props.FloatProperty()
y = bpy.props.FloatProperty()
z = bpy.props.FloatProperty()
# This class is registered in the register function below
# Line primitive, maybe aggregate VEFPoint types here later? And check precision...
class VEFLine( bpy.types.PropertyGroup ):
name = bpy.props.StringProperty() # user defined object name
# Coords of line origin/first point
x1 = bpy.props.FloatProperty()
y1 = bpy.props.FloatProperty()
z1 = bpy.props.FloatProperty()
# Coords of line destination/second point
x2 = bpy.props.FloatProperty()
y2 = bpy.props.FloatProperty()
z2 = bpy.props.FloatProperty()
# This class is registered in the register function below
# Plane primitive, maybe aggregate VEFPoint or VEFLine types here later?
class VEFPlane( bpy.types.PropertyGroup ):
name = bpy.props.StringProperty() # user defined object name
# Coords of plane origin/first point
x1 = bpy.props.FloatProperty()
y1 = bpy.props.FloatProperty()
z1 = bpy.props.FloatProperty()
# Coords of plane second point
x2 = bpy.props.FloatProperty()
y2 = bpy.props.FloatProperty()
z2 = bpy.props.FloatProperty()
# Coords of plane third point
x3 = bpy.props.FloatProperty()
y3 = bpy.props.FloatProperty()
z3 = bpy.props.FloatProperty()
# This class is registered in the register function below
class VEFListItem( bpy.types.PropertyGroup ):
data = None
# # This isn't getting called. Fix.
# def __init__( self ):
# = None
class VEFData( bpy.types.PropertyGroup ):
vefPointList = bpy.props.CollectionProperty( type = VEFPoint )
vefLineList = bpy.props.CollectionProperty( type = VEFLine )
vefPlaneList = bpy.props.CollectionProperty( type = VEFPlane )
vefGuiList = bpy.props.CollectionProperty( type = VEFListItem )
activeListItemIndex = bpy.props.IntProperty() # stores index of active primitive in my UIList
# def __init__(self):
# for item in vefPointList:
# self.vefGUIList.add( item )
# for item in vefLineList:
# self.vefGUIList.add( item )
# for item in vefPlaneList:
# self.vefGUIList.add( item )
def syncList(self):
for i in range( len( self.vefGuiList ) ):
self.vefGuiList.remove( 0 )
for item in self.vefPointList:
tmp = self.vefGuiList.add() = item
for item in self.vefLineList:
tmp = self.vefGuiList.add() = item
for item in self.vefPlaneList:
tmp = self.vefGuiList.add() = item
# This class is registered in the register function below
# END SECTION: Basic data structures
# //////////////////////////////////
# SECTION: Operators
# set the currently active object to a new primitive
class AddPoint( bpy.types.Operator ):
bl_idname = "vef.addnewpoint"
bl_label = "Add a new point"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
def execute( self, context ):
durp = bpy.context.scene.vef_data.vefPointList.add()
print( "DURP: ", durp, "\n" )
bpy.context.scene.vef_data.vefGuiList[bpy.context.scene.vef_data.activeListItemIndex].data = durp
print( "AFTER ASSIGN: ", bpy.context.scene.vef_data.vefGuiList[bpy.context.scene.vef_data.activeListItemIndex].data, "\n" )
return {'FINISHED'}
class AddLine( bpy.types.Operator ):
bl_idname = "vef.addnewline"
bl_label = "Add a new line"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
def execute( self, context ):
bpy.context.scene.vef_data.vefGuiList[bpy.context.scene.vef_data.activeListItemIndex].data = bpy.context.scene.vef_data.vefLineList.add()
return {'FINISHED'}
class AddPlane( bpy.types.Operator ):
bl_idname = "vef.addnewplane"
bl_label = "Add a new plane"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
def execute( self, context ):
bpy.context.scene.vef_data.vefGuiList[bpy.context.scene.vef_data.activeListItemIndex].data = bpy.context.scene.vef_data.vefPlaneList.add()
return {'FINISHED'}
# Finish later, put in different section
class AddListItem( bpy.types.Operator ):
bl_idname = "vef.addlistitem" # Check the blender precedent here for naming
bl_label = "Add a new item"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
def execute(self, context):
item = bpy.context.scene.vef_data.vefGuiList.add()
# # Change the active item to the newly added item...will the new item always be last in the collection?
# bpy.context.scene.vef_data.activeListItemIndex = len( bpy.context.scene.vef_data.vefGuiList ) - 1
if len( bpy.context.scene.vef_data.vefGuiList ) == 1:
bpy.context.scene.vef_data.activeListItemIndex = 0
return {'FINISHED'}
class RemoveListItem( bpy.types.Operator ):
bl_idname = "vef.removelistitem"
bl_label = "Remove an item"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
def execute(self, context):
addonData = bpy.context.scene.vef_data
if len( addonData.vefGuiList ) == 0 :
print( "\nNothing to remove\n" )
elif addonData.vefGuiList[addonData.activeListItemIndex].data == None:
print( "Muffins are great." )
addonData.vefGuiList.remove( addonData.activeListItemIndex )
if len( addonData.vefGuiList ) < 1 or addonData.activeListItemIndex == 0:
addonData.activeListItemIndex = 0
addonData.activeListItemIndex -= 1
elif type( addonData.vefGuiList[addonData.activeListItemIndex].data ) == bpy.types.VEFPoint:
for item in addonData.vefPointList:
if item == addonData.vefGuiList[addonData.activeListItemIndex].data:
addonData.vefGuiList[addonData.activeListItemIndex].data = None
addonData.vefGuiList.remove( addonData.activeListItemIndex )
if len( addonData.vefGuiList ) < 1 or addonData.activeListItemIndex == 0:
addonData.activeListItemIndex = 0
addonData.activeListItemIndex -= 1
elif type( addonData.vefGuiList[addonData.activeListItemIndex].data ) == bpy.types.VEFLine:
for item in addonData.vefLineList:
if item == addonData.vefGuiList[addonData.activeListItemIndex].data:
addonData.vefGuiList[addonData.activeListItemIndex].data = None
addonData.vefGuiList.remove( addonData.activeListItemIndex )
if len( addonData.vefGuiList ) < 1 or addonData.activeListItemIndex == 0:
addonData.activeListItemIndex = 0
addonData.activeListItemIndex -= 1
elif type( addonData.vefGuiList[addonData.activeListItemIndex].data ) == bpy.types.VEFPlane:
for item in addonData.vefPlaneList:
if item == addonData.vefGuiList[addonData.activeListItemIndex].data:
addonData.vefGuiList[addonData.activeListItemIndex].data = None
addonData.vefGuiList.remove( addonData.activeListItemIndex )
if len( addonData.vefGuiList ) < 1 or addonData.activeListItemIndex == 0:
addonData.activeListItemIndex = 0
addonData.activeListItemIndex -= 1
print("\nRemove list item failure.\n")
return {'FINISHED'}
# END SECTION: Operators
# //////////////////////////////////
# Finish this later
class VEFList( bpy.types.UIList ):
# item = [(),(),(),(),(),]
# # Enum listing the type of the selected list item
# VEFType = bpy.props.EnumProperty( items, "Type: ", "Kind of VEF primitive type", default="", options={'ANIMATABLE'}, update=None, get=None, set=None )
def draw_item(self, context, layout, data, item, icon, active_data, active_propname):
# Check which type of primitive, separate draw code for each
if == None:
layout.label( "Uninitialized object" )
layout.label( )
# empty line
# Main panel containing all the functionality for the addon
class VEFGui( bpy.types.Panel ):
bl_idname = "VEF_tools_alpha"
bl_label = "VEF Tools Alpha"
bl_space_type = "PROPERTIES"
bl_region_type = "WINDOW"
bl_context = "scene"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
vefDataPtr = bpy.types.AnyType( bpy.context.scene.vef_data )
addonData = bpy.context.scene.vef_data
# We start with a row that holds the prim list and buttons for adding/subtracting prims
dataListRow = layout.row() # Row containing list of prims and +/- buttons
listCol = dataListRow.column() # Column holding only the list
listCol.template_list("VEFList", "", vefDataPtr, "vefGuiList", vefDataPtr, "activeListItemIndex", type='DEFAULT' )
dataManagementCol = dataListRow.column( align = True ) # Column holding the +/- buttons
dataManagementCol.operator( "vef.addlistitem", icon='ZOOMIN', text="")
dataManagementCol.operator( "vef.removelistitem", icon='ZOOMOUT', text="")
# UI elements for the active item in the list
itemInfoCol = layout.column()
if len(addonData.vefGuiList) == 0:
itemInfoCol.label( "Click the + button to add items" )
elif addonData.vefGuiList[addonData.activeListItemIndex].data == None:
# Put enum selector here to change the type of this item
itemInfoCol.label( "Click to make a new item:" )
newPrims = itemInfoCol.row()
newPrims.operator( "vef.addnewpoint", icon = 'VERTEXSEL', text="" )
newPrims.operator( "vef.addnewline", icon = 'EDGESEL', text="" )
newPrims.operator( "vef.addnewplane", icon = 'FACESEL', text="" )
elif type( addonData.vefGuiList[addonData.activeListItemIndex].data ) == bpy.types.VEFPoint:
# Do stuff
itemInfoRow.label( "This is a point" )
elif type( addonData.vefGuiList[addonData.activeListItemIndex].data ) == bpy.types.VEFLine:
# Do stuff
itemInfoRow.label( "This is a line" )
elif type( addonData.vefGuiList[addonData.activeListItemIndex].data ) == bpy.types.VEFPlane:
# Do stuff
itemInfoRow.label( "This is a plane" )
# ////////////////////////////////////
# SECTION: Blender required addon code
def register():
# Add in: check for existing data first. If none found, register stuff to create empties
# Register classes to make them available for use in Blender
# primitives + misc.
bpy.utils.register_class( VEFPoint )
bpy.utils.register_class( VEFLine )
bpy.utils.register_class( VEFPlane )
bpy.utils.register_class( VEFList )
bpy.utils.register_class( VEFListItem )
bpy.utils.register_class( VEFData )
# ops
bpy.utils.register_class( AddListItem )
bpy.utils.register_class( RemoveListItem )
bpy.utils.register_class( AddPoint )
bpy.utils.register_class( AddLine )
bpy.utils.register_class( AddPlane )
# gui
bpy.utils.register_class( VEFGui )
# Extend the scene class here, so all scenes now have this data
bpy.types.Scene.vef_data = bpy.props.PointerProperty( type = VEFData )
def unregister():
# Check for how to remove bpy.types.Scene.vef_data, put here
# remove class availability from blender bpy.types
bpy.utils.unregister_class( VEFData )
bpy.utils.unregister_class( VEFPlane )
bpy.utils.unregister_class( VEFLine )
bpy.utils.unregister_class( VEFPoint )
# END SECTION: Blender required addon code
# ////////////////////////////////////////
Thanks ahead of time, I know this is a complicated post and I appreciate any time spent trying to figure this out.