
I am very new to blender so forgive me please. I am trying to model a glock for practice since...couple of days. Starting again and again making some progress, using new more efficient features etc in a model. However I faced a problem which I can't solve.

I am trying to model a gun handle, to be precise-a grip part of handle. So far I created a small grip part and I made 2 arrays in both axis.

I would like to shape the whole array so it will follow the curvature and shape of handle and I would like to mask/limit array size/iterations to the shape of handle. Is it possible? It looks like thisenter image description here

So how to "cover" the part of handle (describing the final shape of grip cubes array) with grip cubes? Or how to limit/mask grip cubes so they take a shape of the handle part in the back?I would appreciate your advice.

Reference handle part image:

enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ There are better methods of doing this in blender, if the mesh of the grip is well balanced, you can add a particle system to the grip, set emission start and end time to 1, and use the object you want to place as particle object, set distribution to vertices, an instance of the distributed object will be positioned on each vertex of the grip. There are other methods too, but all depends on the reference you're using for the grip, try to attach a reference photo to your question. $\endgroup$
    – Georges D
    Commented Mar 22, 2017 at 12:57
  • $\begingroup$ Thank You, I'll try with particle then, however it is just not intuitive for me ( i am used to PS and 2D graphics :). I though that one mesh could just follow the curvature of other mesh like in curve modifier etc but with whole plane. $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 22, 2017 at 16:27
  • $\begingroup$ I didn't say it's not possible, you can use shrink wrap, using a surface, then extrude the parts you need to, after applying shrink wrap, there are too many ways to achieve the same, particles is one of them. $\endgroup$
    – Georges D
    Commented Mar 22, 2017 at 16:31
  • $\begingroup$ I tried with particles...for sure it needs some tweeking from my side but i got the idea. It took me some time but well i got almost the effect I would like to achieve. Ofc at this level of experience its far from perfect...I have no idea how to put an image of my result in a comment box. $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 22, 2017 at 17:58
  • $\begingroup$ You can't put an image as a comment in BSE, anyways, I answered your question using another method, check it out. $\endgroup$
    – Georges D
    Commented Mar 22, 2017 at 17:59

2 Answers 2


There are plenty of ways to achieve the same, one of them is using particles, if the mesh of the grip is suitable, in case you don't want to use particles, here's one of the ways using Shrink Wrap modifier, since the object you're positioning is a simple object, this will work, in few words, delete all the faces in the object except for the face(s) that will touch the grip, apply the Array modifier, position the object in an orthagraphic view to the right place, add a Shrink Wrap Modifier, choose the grip as the target object, choose the method of Shrink Wrap that suits your case: Nearest Point, Project ...etc. Apply the Shrink Wrap modifier, in Edit mode Extrude the faces, while still selecting the new faces, use (Individual Origins) as Pivot center for rotation, scale the new faces, and your done. Following are the detailed steps:
1- I'll refer to obj#1 to the grip, obj#2 to the object to be positioned.
2- Select obj#2, Tab to go to Edit mode, select the base (the face that will be touching obj#1, Ctrl + I to invert the selection, and delete the other faces. You'll end up with obj#2 as an array of planes.Tab to go back to object mode.
3- Apply the Array modifier.
4- Place obj#2 properly in an Orthographic view to fit the desired area on obj#1, use Numpad 5 to set the viewport to orthographic view.
5- Still in Object mode, obj#2 still selected, add Shrink Wrap modifier, choose obj#1 as the target using the eye-drop in the modifier interface, or choosing it from the drop down list.
6- Choose the projection method that suits you better in the Shrink Wrap modifier panel.
7- You can still transform obj#2 using G, R or S to fit better it's position on obj#1.
8- When sure that the position is appropriate, apply Shrink Wrap modifier. It's a good idea to copy obj#2 using Shift + D , move it to another layer using M before you apply the modifier, just as a back up.
9- Selecting obj#2, Tab to toggle Edit mode, press A once or twice to select all faces, press E to extrude the faces.
enter image description here
10- While still in Edit mode, new faces are selected, Choose Individual Origins as the Pivot Center for Rotation/ Scale, it's a small icon at the bottom of 3D View, Next to shading icon.
11- Press S to scale and drag to scale down the new faces.

  • $\begingroup$ Thank You very much for help. It worked and I learnt much more during this (some new stuff around). The 2nd method provide nice result however I find that there is much less control after warp is applied. I am also not sure if object #2 parts are not distorted at the edge of warp (no a square section but rectangle from top view) if the obj #1 is curved. Looks like particle is much more versatile and an experienced user is able to control everything. On the other hand at this stage I have no control at all on the particle section :) (10K options...). $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 22, 2017 at 21:29
  • $\begingroup$ You're most welcome. You're right about distortion and control, this is why I suggested particles first :) At the end of the day the method you should choose depends on your goals $\endgroup$
    – Georges D
    Commented Mar 23, 2017 at 6:36

I found another option to do the task I ask about. I think it could be done with boolean mofidier. On the other hand I can't do it without applying 2 x array before (beginner)boolean intersect

Maybe there is a way to keep array midifiers but as a beginner I am not aware about it. Correct me if my approach is wrong.

  • $\begingroup$ Please explain more about this method in your answer, otherwise ppl searching for this won't know how to do it. $\endgroup$
    – Georges D
    Commented Mar 29, 2017 at 7:54

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