I have an armature in my .blend file found here:
I'm trying to create a mesh around it. I'm using the below script which generated a mesh around it but the mesh is created depending on Pose position not rest position, I want it depending on rest position instead. For some reason it's also mirrored around the Z axis (as if rotated 180 degrees) and also up high in the Z direction, not sure why?
This is my armature and the mesh after running the below script:
Pose position:
Rest position:
When disabling the armature modifier:
So as shown above the mesh is created based on the POSE position not the REST position, I want it to be created depending on the rest position. Also as you can see the mesh is kinda created on the mirrored Z. If anyone could please advise what is wrong and how to fix my script.
import bpy
import mathutils
def CreateMesh():
context = bpy.context
MyArmature = bpy.data.objects["MyRig"]
MyArmature.select = True
bpy.context.scene.objects.active = MyArmature
bpy.context.object.data.pose_position = 'REST'
scene = context.scene
selected = context.selected_objects
processedAnything = False
if len(selected) > 0:
print ("selected objects present, processing selection")
for obj in selected:
processedAnything |= processObject(context, obj)
print ("processing active object")
obj = context.active_object
processedAnything |= processObject(context, obj)
if not processedAnything:
print ("no objects processed")
bpy.context.object.data.pose_position = 'POSE'
def decomposeMatrix(matrix):
return [x.to_3d() for x in matrix.transposed()]
def processArmature(context, arm, genVertexGroups = True):
print("processing armature {0}".format(arm.name))
if genVertexGroups:
#because setting pose_position ot 'REST' manually doesn't work for some reason.
genVertexGroups = arm.data.pose_position == 'REST'
meshName = arm.name + "_mesh"
meshData = bpy.data.meshes.new(meshName + "Data")
meshObj = bpy.data.objects.new(meshName, meshData)
meshObj.location = arm.location
scene = context.scene
armMatrix = arm.matrix_local.copy()
verts = []
edges = []
faces = []
vertexGroups = {}
for bone in arm.pose.bones:
if bone.bone.use_deform == True :
poseBone = bone
boneName = bone.name
armBone = arm.data.bones[boneName]
boneMatrix = poseBone.matrix
boneStart = poseBone.head
boneEnd = poseBone.tail
decomposedMatrix = decomposeMatrix(boneMatrix)
xSize = armBone.bbone_x
zSize = armBone.bbone_z
#print(xSize, zSize)
xSizeAdd = bone.x_axis
zSizeAdd = bone.z_axis
xSizeAdd = decomposedMatrix[0]
zSizeAdd = decomposedMatrix[2]
ySizeAdd = decomposedMatrix[1]
origin = mathutils.Vector((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) * boneMatrix
xSizeAdd *= xSize * 30
zSizeAdd *= zSize * 30
ySizeAdd *= bone.length * 30
baseIndex = len(verts)
verts.append((boneStart - xSizeAdd + zSizeAdd)*armMatrix)
verts.append((boneStart + xSizeAdd + zSizeAdd)*armMatrix)
verts.append((boneStart - xSizeAdd - zSizeAdd)*armMatrix)
verts.append((boneStart + xSizeAdd - zSizeAdd)*armMatrix)
verts.append((boneEnd - xSizeAdd + zSizeAdd)*armMatrix)
verts.append((boneEnd + xSizeAdd + zSizeAdd)*armMatrix)
verts.append((boneEnd - xSizeAdd - zSizeAdd)*armMatrix)
verts.append((boneEnd + xSizeAdd - zSizeAdd)*armMatrix)
base = baseIndex
newFaces = [
(base+0, base+1, base+3, base+2),
(base+5, base+4, base+6, base+7),
(base+1, base+0, base+4, base+5),
(base+2, base+3, base+7, base+6),
(base+3, base+1, base+5, base+7),
(base+0, base+2, base+6, base+4)
if genVertexGroups:
vertexGroups[boneName] = [(x, 1.0) for x in range(baseIndex, len(verts))]
meshData.from_pydata(verts, edges, faces)
if genVertexGroups:
for name, vertexGroup in vertexGroups.items():
groupObject = meshObj.vertex_groups.new(name)
for (index, weight) in vertexGroup:
groupObject.add([index], weight, 'REPLACE')
modifier = meshObj.modifiers.new('ArmatureMod', 'ARMATURE')
modifier.object = arm
modifier.use_bone_envelopes = False
modifier.use_vertex_groups = True
return meshObj
def processObject(context, obj):
if (obj == None):
return False
if (obj.type != "ARMATURE"):
print ("invalid type {0} of object {1}: armature expected".format(obj.type, obj.name))
return False
processArmature(context, obj)
return True
boneMatrix = armBone.matrix
boneStart = armBone.head
boneEnd = armBone.tail
but it gives weird result as shown here pasteall.org/pic/index.php?id=113141 $\endgroup$