Firstly, sorry if that's a stupid question. I'm kinda noob :P The thing is that "normal" rendering with GPU is slower than rendering in preview. I made sure that the resolution in which I render is the same as in the preview but it's still slower as if it was rendered with CPU.
$\begingroup$ I'm confused - are you saying that rendering with GPU is slower than rendering with the CPU or slower than doing a preview render (with OpenGL)? $\endgroup$– UnholySheepCommented Feb 17, 2017 at 8:41
2$\begingroup$ OpenGL Render will be faster because it uses a different rasterization technique that uses a lot of shortcuts. Also, the materials aren't applied to it. The rendered viewport shading is also different from a final render because it sacrifices a lot of features for speed. Most notably, it uses dynamic bounding volume hierarchy to accelerate it and is one of the reasons the sampling looks weird in this viewport shading mode. $\endgroup$– AnthonyCommented Feb 17, 2017 at 9:49
$\begingroup$ @UnholySheep Slower that preview render. $\endgroup$– hiyaCommented Feb 17, 2017 at 9:54
$\begingroup$ I forgot to mention that I mean rendering using Cycles. $\endgroup$– hiyaCommented Feb 17, 2017 at 9:56
$\begingroup$ @hiya If you need to add more information you can use the edit link below your question. $\endgroup$– Ray MairlotCommented Feb 17, 2017 at 13:20
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2 Answers
Use rendering CPU to GPU, it can be faster then GPU
Change Render Setting Use thisenter link description here
If you are rendering more colors, change to sampling to 200 to 10