I've been working on a model lately, and UV unwrapped and textured my mesh. After doing so, I added some dirty vertex colors to add some darker areas, and I wanted to bake it onto my regular texture. The problem is, that I lose vertex colors after baking.
Here's a picture or my rendered mesh with vertex colors, full detail:
As you can see, there are dark crevices throughout the model, which is desired. I've followed the directions in this post to bake the dirty vertex colors onto my texture. Here's the baked texture, when using type "Diffuse Color":
The largest sphere is where the body is mapped to. The texture, after baking, does not have sa many dark spots as the first image. It's apparent when I export it to Three.js with the texture:
As you can see, the whole back part of the mesh has no vertex colors. Why is that so? I have followed the directions exactly as in the post linked. Here are the applicable files: