The shadow on my smooth shaded sphere with hair particles just looks wrong:
Blender scene with wrong shadow
I use Blender version 2.69, normals are turned outside and there are no doubled vertices. Without hairs the shading is ok.
Thanks for help and suggestion to improve the look.
EDIT: To make the ball look more realistic I further changed the following things:
I made 2 particles - one with "Render -> Strand render" (makes hair really light) and one with "Render -> no Strand render" and less children hair (gives a dark accents to the other particle setting).
I also made a new material for both particles (for more natural looking):
- Material -> Diffuse -> Ramp from yellow to transparent
- Material -> Strand -> Root 0.25 (for thin root)
- Material -> Strand -> Tip 0.25 (for thin tip)
Patricles Settings for both particles:
- Patricles -> Velocity -> Normals 0.03 (longer hair)
- Patricles -> Render -> Random 0.05 (Shadow really get smoother)
- Patricles -> Children -> Render 50 or 300 (less children
also helped to smooth shadow) - Patricles -> Children -> Length 0.7
- Patricles -> Children -> Random 0.05 (looks more furry)
- Patricles -> Children -> Size 0.01
The jagged shadows arent visible now. Probably the particles aren’t meant to be used with few short hairs where you can see the shadow through.