I have a potentiometer and I want this to change the location of my cube. My script run is on the cube, connected to an "Always" actuator with True Toggle.
My problem is this line:
ser = serial.Serial('COM6',9600, timeout=1)
The script throws an error: ser
is not defined
This line is read every Time, so my arduino must connect every Time. I need to perform a new connect every second, but I want float move.
So I try this, because the serial line is only executed once:
import serial
import time
import bge
import bpy
cont = bge.logic.getCurrentController()
ob = bpy.data.objects["Cube"]
scene = bge.logic.getCurrentScene().objects["Cube"]
own = cont.owner
print (PSerial)
if (PSerial==False):
ser = serial.Serial('COM6',9600, timeout=1)
count = 0
a = int(ser.readline().strip())
print (a)
count = count + 1
scene.worldPosition = [a, 0, 0]
ob.location = scene.worldPosition
ob.keyframe_insert(data_path="location", frame=count)
The script throws the error mentioned above: ser
is not defined.
Yes this is true, because it is loading and at the end it forgets.
The variable count
have the same problem. It can't count.
But how I can solve it?
If I write a while loop, so I cant see my cube is moving, Blender freezes.
is everFalse
. If you put a print statement inside the if, does it print? $\endgroup$