I set up part of a fly-through along a Nurbs path, putting the camera on the path with a Follow Path Constraint, and then added an empty and constrained the camera to Track To the empty. I haven't done animations before, so I fiddled with the points on the path and keyframes placed on the location of the empty until I was happy with it.
Now I want to rough in the rest of the path for the fly-through, which will be several times longer than that first part.
How do I do that so the frame rate won't be changed? I just rolled back to an earlier version because I realized the frame rate had dropped a lot after I changed the number of frames. Do I add in a rough of the rest of the path of the camera first, and then extend the frames on the Path Animation and the Timeline? Is there a place where I can just reset the frame rate?
I should mention I only have 3 more days to get this done, and so I am not betting I can render this out in that time the way I'd like, since I've never done this before and I have gotten used to problems cropping up that bring everything to a halt in these situations. So I really want the playback in Blender to be the right frame rate, so I can use a short cut for now of just screencasting and narrating over that.