
In my export script I wish to export all object named 'foo*' in one format, and all objects named 'bar*' in another format.

I could write 2 separate exporters that operate on the selection (so I select all 'foo*' objects and execute FooExporter, rinse and repeat for 'bar*'

But I would rather get it done in one go, with:

fooList = get_objects_starting( 'foo' )
for obj in fooList:
    foo_exporter( obj )

barList = get_objects_starting( 'bar' )
for obj in barList:
    bar_exporter( obj )

How can I get a list of all 'foo*' objects?


2 Answers 2


If you want to use shell style globbing (*.foo, *.*abc, [ab]*.bar) (as is used in the question), you can use fnmatch, either fnmatch.fnmatchcase or fnmatch.fnmatch for case insensitive matches.

import bpy
import fnmatch

scene = bpy.context.scene

foo_objs = [obj for obj in scene.objects if fnmatch.fnmatchcase(obj.name, "foo*")]

Otherwise you can simply do...

foo_objs = [obj for obj in scene.objects if obj.name.startswith("foo")]

For more powerful pattern matching: check on Python's built-in regular expression (re module)


Just combine list comprehension with str.startswith:

import bpy

foo_objs = [obj for obj in bpy.data.objects if obj.name.startswith("foo")]
  • 3
    $\begingroup$ Since the question mentions use for an exporter, bpy.data.objects will give all objects from all scenes. Which you probably wont want, best use scene.objects $\endgroup$
    – ideasman42
    Commented Jan 10, 2014 at 6:39

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