Blender has no object joining modifier. I think it would be useful to somehowe achievce it. Can anyone suggest a method for properly doing it? I would like to retain the objects transform, like when simply joining objects, but of course with all the previous modifiers and the two original editable meshes kept non-destructively.
$\begingroup$ what I do not see in that idea is : what do you want to do after that ? Adding another modifier (for instance an armature) ? $\endgroup$– lemonCommented Aug 12, 2016 at 13:59
1$\begingroup$ I asked this with a dual purpose in mind: To share my answere, because I think it is generally useful, and hoping to get a better answere. I have currenty no specific project where I need this, but it might get handy, when I want to use a buch of modifiers on separate objects. $\endgroup$– Róbert László PáliCommented Aug 12, 2016 at 14:07
$\begingroup$ And not having to adjust the modifiers for all the separate objects. Or add particles on the surface of the joined meshes, use them as one single solid rigidbody, etc. $\endgroup$– Róbert László PáliCommented Aug 12, 2016 at 14:08
$\begingroup$ Sounds like group instances could do what you want to achieve, check my answer here and see if it helps. You could create a separate scene to keep group definition originals, and then use group instances in your actual scene. $\endgroup$– Duarte Farrajota Ramos ♦Commented Aug 12, 2016 at 14:28
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1 Answer
Array Modifier
If I want to join A with B, I can add an Array Modifier to A with zero count, using Object Offset with B and setting End Cap also to B.
If A is not centered, scaled or rotated, the two B objects will not align.
I can add a C object and use the End Cap method two or more times, with A and B and other objects I like to join together.