Here's the solution I came up with:
- Run Blender's built in "select interior face" algorithm
- Note which faces are selected
- Loop over every face, and cast a ray from the "camera" position to the face.
- If the ray hits (the center of) the face, we know it's visible to the camera, so don't delete it.
- If the ray doesn't hit the face (hits another face) it means it's probably interior.
This is a bit confusing, so I made two images to show more detail:
Commented code is below. Please note this is taken from a large file so I might have forgot to declare some variable references. Happy to clarify if anyone has questions in comments.
import bpy
import bmesh
from mathutils import Vector
cameraOrigin = Vector( ( 0, 0, 10 ) )
ops = bpy.ops
scene = bpy.context.scene
mesh = bpy.ops.mesh
current_mesh = scene.objects[ 0 ]
current_mesh_data = = current_mesh
# Blender's "select interior faces" doesn't actually select interior faces, it
# selects faces that share edges with 2 or more other faces. In my case this
# erroneously selects some faces that are visible but connect to multiple other
# faces. The solution is to select interior faces, then ignore any faces that
# the camera (positioned at 0,0,10) can see, and delete the remaining ones
# See http//
def removeInteriorFaces( mesh_data ):
# First do the built in selection
# And store all faces inside that selection
indices = []
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh( mesh_data )
for index, face in enumerate( bm.faces ):
indices.append( ( index, face.calc_center_median_weighted() ) )
# Deselect everything...
# Switch to object mode to do scene raycasting (doesn't work in edit mode
# I don't think, got error "has no mesh data to be used for ray casting"
ops.object.mode_set( mode = 'OBJECT' )
outside = []
for index_data in indices:
index = index_data[ 0 ]
center = index_data[ 1 ]
direction = center - cameraOrigin;
# Cast a ray from the "camera" position to the face we think is interior
result, location, normal, faceIndex, object, matrix = scene.ray_cast( cameraOrigin, direction )
# If the ray actually hit the face, as in the face index from the
# selection matches the face index from the raycast, then this face
# *is* visible to the camera, so don't remove it!
if faceIndex == index:
outside.append( faceIndex )
# Build a list of the "true" interior face indices, which is the original
# indices from Blender's built in "select interior faces", but without the
# faces we know the camera can see
invisible_interior_faces = [ data[ 0 ] for data in indices if data[ 0 ] not in outside ]
print( 'Removing ',len( invisible_interior_faces ),'invisible faces' )
# Select the faces (in object mode this is easy, strangely)...
if len( invisible_interior_faces ) > 0:
for index in invisible_interior_faces:
mesh_data.polygons[ index ].select = True
ops.object.mode_set( mode = 'EDIT' )
# Then delete them
if len( invisible_interior_faces ) > 0:
mesh.delete( type = 'FACE' )
ops.object.mode_set( mode = 'EDIT' )
removeInteriorFaces( current_mesh_data )